Chapter twenty-two

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Hey guys sorry it's been a while! This chapter is rather short but I hope you like it. :) The video on the side is of Brad and Sage's dance and in the story the table is the bed in the video, hope that makes sense. :P Also I don't own the video it's from youtube. I don't own it! Please please please comment or vote to let me know how I did! And the more votes/comments i get the sooner I'll update. Who know's maybe I can update by Christmas as a present :) 

Chapter twenty-two

I had been avoiding Aaron for the past four days. Every time he knocked on my front door I pretended that I wasn’t home. He called me and I didn’t answer. He texted and sent paper airplanes but I didn’t reply.

Maybe I was too embarrassed or I was just mad that he had acted like I had some kind of disease.

I filled my time with practicing the next dance Brad and I were going to do in my dad’s meeting room. We had decided on dancing to the song Speechless.

Nate was going to help us move things around and Kalina was going to handle the music.

And I was most likely going to be grounded for eternity.

I heard the doorbell echo around the house and I rushed down the stairs to answer the door. I pulled it open and was met by Aaron.

I sighed while attempting to shut the door without letting him speak. His hand shot out and held the door open. “Wait.” He said looking me in the eyes.

“Aaron, please don’t.” I said not wanting to hear him speak.

“No, Sage. You have to listen to me.” He pleaded. The look in his eyes was the only thing that convinced me to listen to him. I opened the door just enough that I could lean on the doorframe and make it impossible for him to walk inside without knocking me over. “Sage, I overreacted-”

“Ya just a little.” I snapped.

“But,” He continued ignoring my attitude. “Will you at least listen to why I freaked out?” I shrugged while motioning for him to continue. “My sophomore year I slept with this girl…and she was a virgin.” He said before clearing his throat. “The next morning she was crying and saying how much of a mistake it was with me being…me. Anyways I decided from then on that I wouldn’t be like that with a virgin again.”

“You’re worried I would cry?” I asked incredulously.

“No Sage!” He yelled before raking his fingers through his hair. “I was worried that if we did sleep together later on you would realize that I am not a good person. I don’t get great grades and your dad hates me! Would you really want your first time to be with someone like me?”

“Aaron.” I said dropping my arms by my sides.

“I can’t be everything that Nate can be.” He said meeting my eyes again. That’s when I noticed he was crying.

“Hey, hey.” I said gently resting my palms on his cheeks. “No matter what kind of person you think you are or my dad thinks you are do you know who I think you are?” I said trying to get him to look at me again. I pushed a tear away from his cheek with my thumb. “I think that you are an amazing person with a beautiful heart…and I wouldn’t want to be with anyone else. If we were to ever break up, which I hope doesn’t happen then me not being a virgin would’ve been my problem not yours.”

“I don’t want to ruin anything for you.”

I leaned closer to him and time seemed to go by painfully slow while I closed the distance between us. Our lips met and we kissed his hands moved to the top of my arms and I thought he was going to push me away but he stopped.  

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