Chapter two

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Hello, I have just published the first rewrite of this story in a new story posted on my page. I have changed the title to Tempted by Him. The first chapter is a combination of this story's Chapter 1 and 2. Please check it out and let me know what you think! I will slowly be rewriting this entire story to add more scenes, flesh out the original idea and add explicate content.

Chapter 2 in the rewrite will be by Aaron's POV. :)

Thank you for your support. <3

Chapter two

I caught a glance of Kalina across the cafeteria and made my way over to her table before sitting with her.

"Hey." I said while looking at the food on my tray.

"Hey, how was chemistry?" Kalina and I had third period math together so she walked me to chemistry before going to her own fourth period.

"It was...interesting." I said wanting to avoid the subject of Aaron.

"Make any more friends or are you still a loner?" 

"Still a loner." I said taking a bite of my salad.

"So I'm your only friend? That's sad Sage." She said while biting off a piece of her sandwich.

"Hey I talked to someone...briefly. That counts for something."

She raised her eye brows not seeming impressed. "Who'd you talk to? Don't tell me it's an imaginary friend."

"I don't know, some annoying guy named Aaron...something."

"Wait are you talking about Aaron Williams?" She asked setting down her sandwich and giving me her full attention.

"Possibly." I mumbled with more salad in my mouth.

Just then someone plopped down beside me and wrapped their arm around my waist. I froze. "Hey Barbie." Aaron said most likely with a smirk on his face.

I slid a seat away from him dislodging his arm from my waist in the process. "Speak of the devil and he shall appear." I said under my breath.

"Aw, you guys were talking about me?" He said putting a hand over his heart. "Was it about how amazingly gorgeous I am? Or that you're already starting to fall for me?"

"Actually it was about how annoying you are." I snapped at him.

"She mentioned that you guys talked in class." Kalina piped in. I shot her a glare trying to get her to stop engaging in a conversation with him. If he gets bored, he'll leave.

"Oh ya, we discovered we have chemistry together." He said scooting closer to me. It's going to be like class all over again. "She's letting me take her on a date after school today." He smirked.

"She is?"

"I am?" Kalina and I said at the same time.

 "Yeah you are Barbie, don't you remember? You agreed right after you said how mysterious my eyes were."


He leaned closer and I turned my head just in time so he kissed my cheek instead of my lips. He took his time not pulling away fast enough. I shoved him as hard as I could causing him to topple off the seat and land on his back on the floor.

I stood up and grabbed my can of Dr. Pepper. "Consider this me canceling." I said before dumping the entire can of soda on him.

I snatched up my bag and angrily walked down the nearest hallway. I heard high heels running after me.

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