Chapter thirty-five

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Hey guys here's another upload! It's kinda crazy but I hope it makes sense and is decent. :) Anyway let me know how you feel! Vote and comment please and thank you!


Chapter thirty-five

I opened my eyes and everything was blurry and my head was killing me.

Shattered glass was everywhere and it took me a second to realize that the car was upside down.

I put my hands on the ceiling of the car to try and stop the seat belt from digging into my skin. I released the seat belt forgetting that nothing would be supporting me anymore. I fell down landing on my shoulders and neck. I awkwardly crawled out the passenger window earning more cuts from the glass scattered everywhere.

I carefully pulled myself to my feet and stumbled around to the other side of the car before dropping to my knees ignoring more glass.

“Zane.” I said while trying to pry the door open. “Zane!” I yelled as the door opened before falling off its hinges. He groaned but he didn’t open his eyes. “Zane!” I screamed again while shaking him.

“So much for never getting in an accident.” He mumbled.

Even though the situation we were in was horrible I still laughed. “Now is not the time for jokes.”

“Then why are you laughing?” He moaned.

“Because I’m traumatized.”

“Do you smell that?” He asked.

I sniffed the air and I smelt something burning. “It’s probably the tires.” I said leaning in to help him unbuckle. Once the seat belt was out of the way I helped drag him from the car before helping him stand.

“Your head.” He said as I stumbled. I helped him sit down on the side of the road before he groaned again.

“Your stomach.” I said noticing the growing dark red stain in his t-shirt.

My knees were shaking and the world wouldn’t stop going in and out of focus. “Sage you should sit down.” Zane said as he lay back on the ground.

I heard something crash to my right and I turned to see the car that had hit us. The driver toppled out of the driver’s seat coughing.  I squinted my eyes to try and get a look at their face as they turned towards me.

“Scott?” I whispered just before I felt air rushing past me and the ground coming up to catch me.


I don’t know how long it’d been but my body ached and I could hear faint beeping sounds.

I could hear people talking but I couldn’t will my eyes to open. Something that felt like plastic was along my face and I assumed an IV was in my left arm, I could also feel a piece of plastic on my right index finger.

I turned my head more to the right and the talking stopped.

“Is she waking up?” I heard a girl’s voice ask.

I heard a chair creak and I managed to open my eyes just a little to see a diamond ring hanging from a necklace chain.

My eyes closed again and I heard someone sigh. “No?” Said a female voice that sounded like Hailey.

“What about Zane?” Said a male voice, I thought it could be Nate.

“Nothing’s changed.” Yep, that was definitely Hailey.

“Ugh!” Someone said before something clattered to the floor. “How did this happen?” The Latina accent let me know the voice belonged to Kalina.

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