Chapter twenty-nine

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WHAT?! She uploaded in a day?! Who rocks? This girl. :P 

So sense you guys got all twenty comments in one day I'll have to make it harder and say that this time you'll need 30. :) I'm sorry for being evil. 

And also I know all of you practically hate Nate BUT don't give up on this book because of this chapter or anything that happens with Nate. HAVE FAITH IN ME! 

Also this chapter is dedicated to FightingForTheWin because her comment literally made me start laughing in class. I loved it. Thanks! You rock! 

Anywho enjoy this chapter lovelies. You earned it. 
Comment and let me know how you like by commenting and voting, please and thank you. :)


 Chapter twenty-nine

“What?” I asked shaking my head as if I could shake off the confusion.

“Let me take you away…we can go anywhere. I can take you anywhere.” He said grabbing my hands and looking into my eyes.

“I just got back from Paris.” I said numbly.

 “We can go back. Or we can go to London, Rome, New York…anywhere.”

“I don’t think…that’s a good idea.”

“But do you want to go?”

“I…” I thought about. I actually let myself think about the whole situation.

My dad just hit me.

He actually hit me. Hit me hard enough to knock me off my feet.

And Nate was offering an escape. A free escape. At least for a little while.

Aaron told me that this weekend he had to be with Zoe because she was going through even more tests and his mom had to work. He wouldn’t miss me.

Sure, he’d be mad…but he’d understand. Especially if I explained everything to him tonight after we got wherever we were going.

I didn’t have any tests or anything important to do during school.

Kalina and Brad had each other.

I could do this. I could go anywhere. My dad wouldn’t care as much because he’d be feeling sorry for hitting me and it was Nate. He loved the idea of me being with Nate.

What if Nate thought this meant more to me than it really does? I hated the idea of being stuck somewhere because Nate tried to make a move and then left me there when I said no.

But he wouldn’t do that. No matter what, he’d never do that.

“Sage?” He said shaking me from my thoughts.

“I don’t have any money.” I said remembering that my wallet was at home.

“I can pay for you.” He said almost instantly as if it meant nothing.

“I can’t let you do that Nate.” I said shaking my head again.

“We’re friends…and my family has more money than we know what to do with.” He said shrugging.

“No clothes.” I said gesturing to my running shorts zip up hoodie and sports bra that was peeping over the edge of my hoodie.

“We can get you clothes.”

“That’s a lot of money.” I couldn’t let him do that for me.

“Sage.” He insisted making me look at him again. “Do you want to go? Yes or no?”

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