Chapter eight

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Hey guys this chapter isn't to exciting I have more plans for the next chapter but I hope you still enjoy this one.

The dress on the side is Sage's homecoming dress.

Vote and comment and let me know how I did. :) Thanks guys! Enjoy. 

Chapter eight

“Aaron!” I yelled nearly knocking his door off the hinges when I threw it open. “Aaron get up we’re late!” I jumped on the bed as he groaned and covered his eyes with his arm. “Aaron!” I persisted while hitting him a few good times with a pillow.

“I want to sleep!” He argued rolling onto his stomach.

“You have until I’m ready to get up otherwise I’m leaving you here.” I warned him before leaving the room.

I practically sprinted into my bathroom after hurriedly grabbing the first clothes I could find. I slid on simple dark skinny jeans and my black uggs before throwing on my long Harvard sweat shirt.

I ran a brush through my hair before throwing it up in a slick pony tail. Then I put on some mascara and light foundation.

I nearly slammed into Aaron while running out of my bedroom. “Woa, watch it Sage.” He said with a joking grin plastered on his face.

“Come on let’s go!” I said grabbing his arm and dragging him behind me all the way out to his truck.

“What about breakfast?” He complained while starting the car and beginning to drive to school.

“We’re skipping it.” I said while rummaging through my back pack.

“It’s the most important meal of the day!” He said faking sounding appalled. There was a short moment of silence where we just grinned at each other before he spoke again. “You know…I think this is the most relaxed I’ve seen you.”

“I didn’t have time to actually get dressed.” I said as an excuse.

“Well you still look gorgeous.”

“Thank you.” I said before taking his hand in mine and intertwining our fingers. “Oh dammit.” I muttered before sighing.

“What? Are you ok?” He asked taking his eyes off the road to look at me.

“Ya it’s just that I forgot that I have to stay after cheerleading practice to work on the duet.”

“With Brad?”

“Ya…we’re deciding to make this one more hip hop.”

“That sounds fun.” He said pulling into the student parking lot.

“Ya except I’ll have to stay about an hour and a half after practice, I was going to drive myself today except we woke up too late and I forgot.”

“That’s ok…I can wait.”

“You don’t have to do that. It’s nearly four hours after school.”

“Then I’ll come back…I’ll always come back.”

He got out of the truck before opening the door for me and helping me out while taking my back pack from me. “You know, you say things like that a lot.” I said as he wrapped his arm around my shoulders and I leaned into him.

“Say what type of things?”

“Random deep sayings.” I laughed as I looked up at him.

“It’s my best attempt at romance.” He shrugged before breaking into a grin.

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