Chapter three

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This chapter has been rewritten and is posted under the new story on my page titled 'Tempted by Him'.  This chapter is now told from Aaron's POV.  Check it out and let me know what you think! Thank you for the support. <3 

Chapter three

After getting home I realized Dad still wasn't home. I threw my back pack in the corner and walked into the kitchen. I opened the fridge to see that there was practically nothing to eat.

I was about to decide on making some scrambled eggs when the doorbell rang.

I sighed while closing the fridge and walking to the front door. I opened the door expecting anyone to be standing there but Aaron.

He'd been looking off to the side and it seemed like he was just as surprised to see me as I was. His look of shock was soon replaced by a smirk. "Well look what I've found."

I leaned against the door frame crossing my arms. "What do you want, Aaron?"

"I just wanted to welcome my new neighbor." He said innocently holding out a tray of lasagna and flowers that I hadn't noticed he'd been holding.

"Lasagna and flowers?" I asked in a mocking tone.

"My mom's a sweet heart." He said shrugging and handing both the lasagna and flowers to me. He used the opportunity of me not being able to use my hands to walk into my house ignoring my glare.

I kicked the door shut with my foot and followed him into the kitchen and set everything down on the counter.

"So the bad boy lives in the rich part of town?" I said over my shoulder as I dug around for a vase for the flowers. I filled the vase with water and put the flowers in it before Aaron spoke up.

"Ya there's nothing wrong with that." He said defensively.

"Do people say things like that to you a lot?" I asked curiously while grabbing two plates and two forks.

"Whenever someone finds out where I live." He nodded.

I searched around for a serving spoon once I found it I stood up to see that Aaron had been looking at my ass. "Ok two questions." I said scooping lasagna onto the first plate. "One, do you want lasagna?"

"Sure." He said nodding.

"Ok, and two," I said filling the second plate with lasagna. "Where you just staring at my butt?"

His immediate grin let me know that he was. "I was admiring your ass." He said pulling a plate closer so he could eat some lasagna.

"Well thanks." I said sarcastically. We sat in silence for what seemed like an hour before the phone rang making me jump. I got up and answered the cordless phone that my dad must have unpacked sometime this morning. "Hello?" I said leaning against the counter staring at Aaron who had stood up.

"Hey honey." My dad's voice said from the other line.

"Hi Dad." I said smiling he was probably going to ask if I'd made dinner yet or not.

"I have some bad news."

"Oh?" I said side stepping Aaron who had walked closer and reached for me. I walked around the counter to the other side. "What is it?"

"I have to go on a business trip for at least a week in a half?"

Aaron had snuck up behind me and grabbed my ass. I squeaked in surprise and whipped around to smack his shoulder while glaring.

"Sage are you alright?" My Dad asked concerned.

"Ya, I'm fine." I said while clearing my throat. "Um," I said tucking hair behind my ear. "What do you mean?"

"I have to go to Japan for at least a week and half."

"Dad you don't even speak Japanese." I said crossing my arms.

"Yes, but Japan is one of the biggest gaming places in the world." He pointed out.

I sighed. "What am I supposed to do? I mean we just moved in Dad."

"You're old enough to stay home by yourself for a little while, and I put more money on your card for food."

"Ok Dad." I said just done with hearing him talk. "I guess I'll see you soon."

"I love you Sage."

"Love you too." I mumbled before hanging up.

I turned to see Aaron grinning. "So Barbie has to stay all alone?" I scoffed before putting my plate in the sink and taking out a Diet Coke from the fridge. "Does she need some comfort?" He asked holding his arms out toward me as if I'd let him hold me.

"No she does not." I said laughing.

"Oh you won't let me stay here?" He said with a mock pout on his face.

"Um heck no." I said still laughing.

"Why?" He asked crossing his arms and walking closer to me.

"Because..." I said trailing off unable to think of a reason.

"You're scared."

"Of what?" I said crossing my arms now.

"Temptation." He said stepping even closer and smirking even more.

"Temptation of you?" I laughed. "That's a nice joke but I will never even be a little tempted by you."

"Then let me stay here while your dads away."

"Why? Are you..." I leaned closer to his face almost brushing our lips together. "Tempted?"

"You have no idea." He said leaning closer. I put a hand on his chest stopping him.

"Tell you what." I said walking to the back door. "If you can do three back flips in a row then you can stay here while my dad's away." I didn't even wait to see if he'd reply before I walked out the back door.

He followed me still grinning. "Deal?" He said putting his hand out to shake mine.

"Deal." I said shaking his hand. There was no way he can do this.

"And if I lose?" He asked.

"Then you don't talk to me for the rest of the year." I smirked.

"Fine." He said stepping away.

"Oh, and please don't break your neck. I don't want to be a part of your death." I said before he possibly hurts himself. He better be prepared to never talk to me again this school year.

He sighed before throwing himself backwards and completing one, two, three perfect back flips.

I felt like my jaw hit the ground in astonishment. "How did you just...but you'" I sputtered out.

"I took five years of karate when I was younger." He said with his signature smirk plastered on his face. "So, I'm going to run over to my house and get some of my stuff then I'll be right back."

Damn him. 

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