Chapter thirty-two

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Upload time yay!! :) Hope you guys enjoy this chapter. :) The video on the side is of Brad and Sage's duet. 


Chapter thirty-two

Two weeks passed where Aaron wouldn’t talk to me and Nate wouldn’t even let me hug him goodbye none the less touch him.

I noticed that even though Aaron wasn’t speaking to me he still posted the duet Brad and I danced to the day after our fight. It had gotten a ton of views already and a lot of comments. It surprised me how popular our duets were becoming.

Nate and I spent our time talking and watching movies, although he refused to watch romances. He said it ‘wasn’t manly’ but I figured it had something to do with drunk Sage trying to seduce him.

Brad and I had perfected another dance just in case my dad tried to make amends. I guess I was testing him to see if he could ever appreciate the things I love. So far he’s failed, but if he tries to get me to forgive him, Brad and I will perform our duet and see what happens.

Zane stopped by once I had officially decided to move in with Hailey. “You know we could be roommates.” He said as he sat on my bed and watched me box up my things.

“Is that so?” I asked as I shoved my books into a box.

“Ya, she has four bedrooms right?” He asked as he put my lap top in its case.

“Yes, but that doesn’t mean you can stay there.” I mumbled as I taped the box shut.

“You can’t decide who the roommates are.” He said almost childlike.

“I could have a say in it.” I shot back.

“Doubt it. I’m rich and if I offered her enough she’d totally disregard your opinion…not to mention we’re friends.”

“Whatever…don’t you do too many concerts or something?” I asked absent mindedly as I looked at pictures of me and Aaron that had been in my desks top drawer.

I shoved them in the smallest box I had along with the ticket for homecoming and the bear he got me for my birthday.

Zane sighed before standing and grabbing the box I had taped and my laptop case. “Doesn’t mean I don’t live somewhere, Sage.” He laughed as he stood. “To the car!” He said dramatically before cutting me off and walking out of my room.

I glanced around my empty room before picking up the small box with the things involving Aaron. I walked out of my house following Zane to his extremely nice black Mustang.

The bottom of the box ripped open and let everything that was inside fall to the ground. I groaned before dropping to my knees to grab everything. I tossed the bear to Zane who snatched it out of the air before climbing into his car and starting the engine. Music started blasting from his speakers and I recognized it as a song his band played at one of their concerts.

“Playing one of your own songs is lame!” I yelled as I picked up the homecoming ticket and all but one of the pictures. The wind blew it out of my reach and I sighed as it was carried in the air farther away from me. I tucked a piece of hair behind my ear before getting to my feet to follow it. It was the picture from my surprise birthday party where Aaron and I were kissing.

Someone’s legs came into view before they picked up the picture and held it out to me. I looked up to see Aaron. I snatched the picture from him and added it to the ones already in my hands.

“You’re leaving?” He asked looking genuinely concerned.

“I don’t want to live with my dad anymore…he yelled at me for dancing…again.”

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