Chapter five

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Hey guys I'm not sure how I feel about this chapter. Let me know what you think in the comments please!! It'd be greatly appreciated!!! Enjoy!!

Chapter five

"No." I laughed holding my hands up defensively.

"Oh come on Sage, it's just water." Aaron said stepping closer.

"I did not agree to go swimming; I agreed to help you give your dog his meds. Which by the way I'm angry you lied to me. You don't even have a dog!" I pointed out.

"Ya, but isn't swimming way more entertaining than giving a sick dog medication?" He laughed.

"It's cold." I stated pulling my black blazer closer to me.

"I can keep you warm." He said raising his eyebrows. I didn't say anything, I just smirked. "Ok." He said before stripping off his leather jacket and t-shirt.

"W-what are you doing?" I stuttered as I took in his toned muscles and model like six pack.

"Well I'm going swimming." He said with his signature smile. "And I don't know about you, but I don't swim in all my clothes."

"If you strip down naked I'm leaving." I said laughing.

"No you wouldn't." He said kicking off his shoes. "You wouldn't be able to resist looking." I scoffed at him as he removed his socks. "I've seen you staring at my abs for the last few minutes, don't think I don't notice." I was trying to find a way to get myself out of this situation but before I could think of anything Aaron spoke again. "So my shirts off...I think it's only fair that you take yours off now."

I laughed at him. "Really?" He nodded crossing his arms. I sighed and shook my head before removing my blazer and tossing it on the table. I crossed my arms in return.

"No no no." He said laughing and walking closer. "That's not fair; I took off my jacket and my shirt."

"Yes, but me taking off my shirt means more then you taking off yours." I said as he slowly lifted my necklace from around my neck.

He was leaning so close that his breath fanned across my face. I slipped off my black heels to put a few more inches between our faces. His hand brushed against my arm as he leaned closer and set my necklace on the table behind us. His eyes never left mine as his hand trailed down my arm giving me goose bumps before he slowly took off my bracelet. His hands played at the edge of my tank top, his eyes held a look that was asking permission.

I jokingly shoved him away before walking towards the pool. I stripped off my tank top before looking over my shoulder before smirking at him and jumping in the pool bra, jeans, and all.

I resurfaced and pushed my hair out of my face before turning and looking at Aarons astonished face.

"Red lace...classy." He said walking closer to the edge with his hands in his pockets. I glanced down remembering that I had worn my red lacey bra today. "You know I heard that girls that wear red are more open about having sex. Tell me Sage...are you open to having sex?"

"You'll never find out." I said smirking and swimming closer to the edge.

"What a shame; I have a lovely bedroom."

I splashed water at him and he jumped backwards. "I thought you were the one that wanted to go swimming?" I said as he wiped water off his arm.

He winked before running and throwing himself in the pool beside me. I turned away as the splash hit my back. I felt strong arms wrap around my waist and spin me around. I laughed before he threw me back into the water.

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