Chapter thirty-eight

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Anyway I hope you all enjoy the chapter BECAUSE THIS IS IT. THE MOMENT YOU'RE ALL HOPING FOR.


Chapter thirty-eight

Aaron walked back into the waiting room where Brad and I were sitting. We both stood once we saw him.

“Is Zoe ok?” I asked.

“Yeah.” Aaron said out of breath. “She didn’t take her medication this morning like I told her to…I guess I have to watch her more carefully from now on.”

“But she’ll be ok, right?” I asked again.

“Ya she just has to stay here over night and as long as she takes her medication she’ll be fine.”

I let myself breath normally again. “Thank god.” I breathed.

There was an awkward silence where none of us knew what to say before Brad spoke up. “So we’ve got finals next week…”

We all chuckled before Aaron nodded. “Yeah, are you guys ready?” We both nodded. “Good.” He murmured.

“Can I see her?” I piped in.

He shook his head. “The doctor doesn’t want to overwhelm her.”

“That makes sense.” I sighed.

Brad and I stayed for another hour anyway before Brad took me home.

I couldn’t sleep that night, even though Aaron had said that Zoe would be alright, I was still worried.

Sunday went by in a blur as well since Zoe was in the hospital for half the day and when I called Aaron he said she was sleeping.

I just sulked until I decided to go to bed an hour earlier then I usually do.

When I woke up the next morning I slipped on some grey baggy sweats and a black tank top that showed off just a strip of my stomach. I straightened my hair and slipped on my black Toms before heading out the door without saying goodbye to either Hailey or Zane who were both in Zane’s room with the door closed. I figured it was safer to just leave then possibly walk into another awkward situation.

This week was finals week which made me even less excited about life.

Luckily I got to Friday and was feeling really good about all my tests.

Kalina and I were sitting in dance class listening to our teacher talk about a small extra credit project that we could do before school ended.

“You’ll have to recreate a dance from a movie and video tape yourself dancing to it. You’ll need costumes slightly like the ones used in the movie and you’ll need to be in a similar environment. Dance moves need to be almost exactly the same. Turn in the movie clip and the clip of your group dancing for full extra credit points. It’s due next Friday, good luck.” She said smiling at the whole class.

Kalina and I grinned at each other.

It wasn’t that we needed extra credit it just sounded fun.

“Step up?” She asked with her grin still plastered across her face.

“Revolution.” I said nodding before fist bumping her.

After class ended we spent whatever free time we had during school asking around seeing if people would be willing to help us out.

We got five girls from our dance class, two from our cheerleading team, and all the boys from the cheerleading team as well to agree to be in the dance with us.

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