Chapter four

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Sorry it took so long to upload. But here ya go, hope you enjoy it!! Also I think I'd like around 5 votes/comments until I post the next chapter, is that to much to ask? Schools crazy and I also have soccer and a musical I'm in so I have no free time. So pretty please vote or comment and I'll be more motivated to update! :) Also any ideas for cast ideas, let me know. :) 

Chapter four

“Sage…open the door.” Aaron said calmly while most likely leaning up against the front door. I sighed crossing my arms debating whether or not to let him back in my house. After Aaron had left I’d quickly locked the door and now that he had come back and I was refusing to let him inside. “I won that deal fair and square.”

“Ya but I didn’t think you’d actually be able to do three back flips.” I said nearly stomping my foot.

“You should have thought of that before I won.” He pointed out.

I groaned before opening the door. “You’re sleeping in the guest bedroom.”

“I wouldn’t even dream of sleeping anywhere else…not yet anyway.” He smirked before walking past me. He had two back packs with him and he tossed one on the ground as he looked around. I picked it up and threw it back in his arms. “It’s my school back pack.” He said simply.

“Well it can stay upstairs with the rest of your things.” I said crossing my arms.

“You’re so angry.” He said while starting to walk up the stairs.

“That’s because you’re here.” I said shoving by him and causing him to hit the railing.

“Hey.” He said catching my arm. I turned around and shoved his chest. His hand caught my waist pulling me with him.

We came crashing down as he landed on his back and I landed on his chest. We slid down the last few stairs before coming to a stop on the hard wood floor. His whole body shook as he laughed and he tilted his head back so his chin was pointed up. I sighed before lifting myself up and jogging up the stairs; I slammed my bedroom door behind me before sitting down in front of my computer.


So my new house is pretty great. It’s huge and I have my own bathroom and a giant closet! My school’s ok from what I’ve seen of it so far.
 I made a new friend, her name’s Kalina. She’s on the cheerleading team which I tried out for. And guess who is now part of that team? This girl!
Dad left for Japan on a business trip today which means I’ve got the house to myself, right? No. I stupidly made a bet with my neighbor and the single most annoying boy ever and I lost. So now he’s staying in my house until Dad gets back. I wouldn’t mind if he wasn’t such an ass.
Good thing Dad’s only gone for a week.

Hugsandkisses, Sage.

After hitting send I closed my lap top before changing into shorts and a tank top. I crawled into bed after turning off the light.

I could hear Aaron in the next room over. Knowing he was so close made it nearly impossible to sleep. Even after I was sure he was asleep I still watched as time ticked by.





I got up and tiptoed out my door before slowly opening the guest bedroom door.

Aaron was sprawled diagonally across the bed taking up all the space. His dark brown hair was a mess and his mouth hung slightly open as he breathed. He was lying on his stomach with one arm by his side and one arm under his pillow. I noticed that he was shirtless as he moved turning his head away from me, his muscles showed in his back with even the slightest movement.

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