Chapter eleven

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Hey guys here's another upload. Please please please comment or vote. I would love it so beyond much. I would love some comments on how you guys feel about this. It would be fantastic. :) Enjoy lovelies. 

Dedicated to kitkatgall for being amazing. :) 


Chapter eleven

I nearly stumbled down the stairs because I was late for school.

I tripped over my own feet and nearly slammed into my dad who seemed to be running late this morning too.

He looked me up and down before rolling his eyes.

“What dad?” I snapped not in the mood for this. I checked myself over to make sure I didn’t look crazy. I’ve had that dream where you walk around pant less and no one tells you. I had on black yoga pants with a grey waist line, a floral tank top, and brown Uggs.

“You’re going to school like that? You look like you just jumped out of bed.”

“Well I kind of did dad…I’m running late.” I pointed out grabbing a granola bar from the pantry.

“Change.” He demanded through gritted teeth.

“No, I look fine.” I said starting to walk to the door.

“No one will respect you if you’re dressed like that!” I heard him shout before I slammed the door shut behind me.

I had texted Aaron telling him I was running late and that I would drive myself today. He’d said he didn’t mind being late but I insisted on driving myself.

I got to school still mad about my dad arguing with me and once I’d gotten home from the competition he didn’t say anything about it. He didn’t ask me how it went or how we did or anything.

I got to dance class and took all my anger out on dancing. By the end of class I felt rather gross. I sprayed myself with more perfume and put my hair in a ponytail.

“Hey.” Aaron said kissing my cheek when I plopped down next to him in chemistry.

“Hi.” I smiled not letting on that something was bothering me. I’d decided during dance that I would confront my dad later today because we had dinner plans because he was getting off work early for once. I was going to ask, no demand why he wasn’t at my competition yesterday.

He could’ve taken time off work and it’s not like it was that far away. It took us an hour or less to get there.

Dad didn’t go because he didn’t think dancing or cheerleading was a responsible career choice. But what he didn’t understand was that I didn’t think I could do that professionally. I just do it for fun. Also since I’m good at it I thought that my dad would be proud that his daughter is actually good at something.

I have average grades which makes my dad angry. He thinks I should have straight A’s. But I have a B average which is good enough for colleges.

My dad used to go to my competitions or shows when I was in elementary school, but as soon as middle school came around he stopped. He started telling me that I needed to spend more time on my grades and not in ‘stupid hobbies.’ I cried myself to sleep after that fight.

“Sage?” Aaron laughed waving a hand in front of my face.

“Huh?” I said snapping out of my thoughts. “Sorry I was day dreaming.”

“It’s ok. I was just asking if you wanted to go out after school today?”

“I would…but my dad and I are having dinner later today.”

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