Chapter twenty-one

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Hey guys I hope things aren't moving to fast in this story. Will you let me know if it is? I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. I know it's short but I typed it up and decided I wanted it to end at that point. I'll try and update as soon as possible. Anyway please vote or comment to let me know how it is and if I should change anything or any ideas for upcoming chapters would be great too! Please and thank you! :) 



Chapter Twenty-one

I pulled back shocked. “Sage-“ He started but was cut off by a static sounding voice.

“We apologize for the inconvenience but we’re having technical difficulties and we’ll have to momentarily stop the ride. But we’ll fix it as soon as possible.”

“What?” I yelled. “No! I have to get off this ride. Hello?” I screamed leaning dangerously off the side of the cart. “Hello? I need off this ride!”

“Sage!...Sage calm down.” Nate said trying to drag me away from the edge.

“No, no I can’t.” I said pushing him away. “I can’t deal with this right now. Why would you tell me this?” I said as I moved to the other side of the car and away from him.

“I couldn’t keep it to myself any longer.”

“I’m dating Aaron.”

“I know and I know how selfish this was of me but I couldn’t keep it a secret anymore. I thought you deserved to know.”

“No I didn’t need to know anything about this!”

“Sage…” He said leaning closer.

“No!” I shoved him away panicking. “I need to get off right now!” I screamed over the edge again.

“Sage?” I heard Aaron yell up to me.  I leaned over the side of the car to look down at him and Kalina. “Are you ok?”

“I hate heights.” I yelled back.

“Why are you on this ride then? Are you loco?” Kalina asked looking at me like I was the dumbest person in the world.

“Apparently!” I said throwing my hands up in the air.

“Sage can you just calm down?” Nate said sighing.

“No I can’t calm down because you just ruined everything!” I shouted raking a hand through my hair. He scrunched his eyebrows at me as what I said confused him. “You’re my best friend, Nate…And I’m with Aaron. I don’t want that to change.”

“It doesn’t have to change, Sage.” He said as the ride lurched and it started moving again.

“Yes it does. You changed it by letting your feelings be known.”

“You can’t tell me that you didn’t already know!”

“Somewhere I’m sure I did know but I was ignoring it and pretending like it was all in my head.”

“Well it’s not all in your head!” He yelled as Aaron and Kalina were getting off the ride. “You can’t tell me that kiss meant nothing to you.”

I flashed back to the night with Nate when Aaron and I weren’t talking. Maybe there had been something that I’d over looked. But I wasn’t going to dwell on that now.

I shook my head. “I was sad and alone and I was trying to forget him.”

“But you didn’t, obviously.”

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