Chapter six

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Hey guys here's another chapter and I made it decently long just for you awesome people. :)

Also the picture on the side is of Sage's halloween outfit. And on of the videos is of the cheerleaders pep assembly. The other is of Sage's duet with Brad. I don't own either of the videos I got them from tv show videos on youtube. I just thought they'd be cool. The cheerleaders dance plays twice for some reason so when it ends just stop it cuz it's just a repeat. Also the link for the cheerleading dance is in the comments below so you can just click on it and it wouldn't let me post two videos. It's also right here:

Also commenting or voting lets me know you like this so please let me know!

And last but not least this chapter is dedicated to HollDoll16 for being an awesome person and always letting me know how I did on these chapters. Your support means alot. Thanks so much. :) 

Have a lovely day everyone!

Chapter six.

Friday had finally come around and that meant today was Halloween the day of Kalina’s Halloween party. I’d picked out the perfect Halloween costume which I found sexy yet not slutty. I decided on going as a princess.

Aaron and I had been having civil conversations for the last two days. He knew something was wrong because I wasn’t being as friendly lately. I refused to let him know that I was jealous however.

“So when do you want to leave for the party?” Aaron asked as he walked me to my locker before first period.

“Actually…” I said putting in my locker combo. “I’m driving over to Kalinas house to help her set up the party and to get ready there.”

“Oh…ok I guess I’ll just see you there?” He said shrugging.

“Ya.” I murmured before walking away.

“Trouble in paradise?” Nadia asked in a sing song voice.

I groaned. “I’m not in the mood, Nadia.” I said walking faster.

“Ok, wait.” She said grabbing my arm. I was about to snap at her or possibly slap her before she continued talking. “Coach wanted me to tell the team that we’re preforming at the pep assembly today.”

“We got permission from the principle?” I asked surprised. Nadia nodded. All week we’d been practicing on a group dance number and duets. Each pair had picked a dance and tried out for the coach we were told the winners would be preforming at the assembly if we got permission. “Do you know which duets won?” I asked a smile appearing on my face.

“Ya.” She said glaring. “It’s posted on the gym doors.

I didn’t wait for her to continue, I just took off nearly running towards the doors. Once I got there nearly half the team was looking.

“Nice job Sage!” Kalina said jumping up and down.

“Wait did Brad and I win?” I asked just as excitedly as her.

“Ya!” She squealed.

We both shrieked and did a little happy dance before Brad walked up looking decently amused.

“We won!” I said throwing myself in his arms for a hug. Brad had offered to be my partner because no one else had volunteered. I guess we’d been better then everyone thought we’d be.

“Are you ready to perform for the whole school though?”

“Are you kidding? You guys kicked culo at the try outs!” Kalina piped in. She sighed when both of us gave her blank looks. “Butt…you kicked butt.”

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