It's been a while.

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Hello friends <3 I am so sorry that I have been away for so long now. I went off to college and got really caught up in life and then I Iost access to my Wattpad account and just recently got access to it.

Anyway, I'd like to continue posting updates to works that haven't been updated in a while like The Rockstar's Daughter. I'd also like the opportunity to revamp The Cheerleader and the Bad Boy, and The Cheerleaders daughter. I would like to edit them, add more content, and specifically add more explicit scenes than are in the original. 

I just wanted to check in, because I have been gone for so long, if that would interest anyone at this point? I had originally wanted to self-publish my works and that's something I'm still interested in but am not sure if anyone would read them, despite the edits and new content.

 I know originally I had wanted to try out Radish, but that website ended up not working out for me and what was going on in my personal life unfortunately. I am so sorry that I left you all hanging with no word from me. 

Thank you to all of you who supported me when I first started and who stuck by me despite my lack of interaction over the years. I appreciate all of you and hope you have a great day. I just want to thank you all for inspiring me to continue pursuing my passion for writing. I wouldn't be back here if I hadn't seen your comments and messages. 

Feel free to comment or message me with questions/thoughts. Thanks again!

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