Chapter thirty-three

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Hey everyone here's another upload! It's not super duper exciting or anything but I promise it'll get better. 

Also I understand that most of you aren't a fan of Sage and Nate, I get that. And I appreciate the comments but I've gotten a few private messages that weren't exactly nice and I appreaciate everyone's opinions but part of this story is the love triangle because it needs a conflict. And for there to be a love triangle everyone needs to be invovled and given a turn. I also got a few messages saying that they weren't going to read the book anymore if she doesn't get back with Aaron soon and all I can say to that is: I'm sorry some of you may feel that way and I hope none of you will stop reading because of the choices made in the book. I have a huge elaborate plan for this and I hope you'll all stick through the things you don't like to see the ending. If not I'm sorry you don't like but in stories there will always be at least one thing in books you won't like, you just gotta wait it through. 

I hope you can all understand that. 

Anyway comment and vote! Please and thank you!


Chapter thirty-three

“Wake up!” Someone’s deep voice screamed as they bounced on my bed. “Hey beautiful! Get your cute little ass out of bed!”

I groaned. “What do you want?”

My blanket was ripped away from me and I groaned again. “Come on Sage!” He whined. “Get up.” I opened one eye to see Zane still jumping on my bed.

“Why?” I said looking at my clock. “It’s five…I don’t have to get up for like another hour and a half.”

“Do you want to go on an adventure?”

“At five in the morning?...No.” I said rolling over onto my stomach.

“Aw come on, please?”

“Zane there are no adventures to go on this early. I mean the sun’s not even up.”

“I have a concert tomorrow and today we’re setting up and practicing. You can tag along to both if you like.”

“You know there is this important thing called school.” I said as he finally plopped down beside me.

“Isn’t that almost over?” He groaned.

“Ya which is why I probably shouldn’t ditch anymore.”

“Ok no ditching today…but what about tomorrow?” He said grinning.

I rubbed my eyes while thinking it over. “Fine.”

“Yes!” He said grinning

“Can I go back to bed now?” I said as he bounced off the bed and walked to the door.

“You’re already awake though, why would you go back to bed now?”

“Because I still have like an hour to sleep.”

As much as I wanted to sleep Zane was having none of that. He nearly dragged me from my bed and downstairs to get some food. I was practically falling asleep at the table while we were eating cereal.

After we were done I stood up to walk upstairs.

“Where are you going?” Zane asked as he poured himself more coffee.

“I’m going to take a shower before getting ready for school.”

“I’m up for a shower.” He said standing and about to follow me.

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