Chapter thirty-six

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I am so sorry for not updating for so long. I was super busy then I had major writers block and I am truely sorry! I hope you guys enjoy the chapter. :) Plus the video on the side is of Brad and Sage's duet. 


Chapter thirty-six

“He’s awake.” We all looked up at the nurse shocked.

I’d been here for three days and was told that I could be discharged tomorrow.

“What?” Hailey asked quietly.

“Your friend Zane…he’s awake.”

I flew out of bed so fast I ripped the IV from my arm. I hunched over holding my arm. “Oh my god!” I said through gritted teeth.

“Sage?” Aaron said being wary.

“Holy fu-“ I said cutting myself off. “How do people do that in the movies? That hurts like a bitch!”

The nurse almost looked scared. “We’re going to need to put that back in…”

“Can I see him first?”

“Alright.” She nodded but put a band aid over the scratch I’d created before she let me go anywhere.

I jogged to the room Zane was in.

A huge grin spread across my face as I raced for the door. “Zane!”

He put a hand up stopping me a few feet past the door. “If you’re going to jump on me or tackle me or physically touch me in anyway, I am begging you to stop.”

I made a pouty face. “Aw…no hugs?...How about a careful hug?” I said opening my arms hopefully.

He laughed. “Sure.”

I walked over and carefully gave him a hug. “I’m glad you’re ok.” I said smiling and sitting on the edge of the bed. “I’m sorry-“ I started to say before he cut me off.

“Sage stop…don’t even start.”


“Don’t say it’s your fault, don’t apologize just say ‘Get better soon Zane’ ‘I’m glad you didn’t die Zane’ but no apologizing.”

“I’m glad you didn’t die Zane…get better soon Zane.” I said with a small smile.

He smiled back.

“Zane!” A high pitched voice from the doorway squealed. Hailey ran towards us but Zane held up a hand.

“No physical contact please. My stomach hurts when I breathe and even though you must only weigh like a hundred and five pounds, I’m sure it would hurt.”

She stopped but walked over to him and stood beside me. “You’re awake.” She said grinning.

“Yeah thank god.” Nate said as he, Aaron, Kalina and Brad walked in the door.

“Brad!” I said smiling.

“Hey.” He said before giving me a gentle hug. “Sorry I couldn’t be here sooner.” He said leaning against the wall because all the seats were taken.

“That’s ok.” I said still smiling.

“I’m glad you didn’t die.” Brad said making Zane sit up straighter.

“See it’s a common thing to say!” Zane exclaimed making us all laugh. He winced as he leaned back into the pillows.


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