Chapter fifteen

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So I got quite a few votes on the last chapter and 3 comments not as many as I'd asked for but there were way more votes then I expected! So 'm updating again and I added that extra scene I thought you'd all like. :)))))

The video on the side is of Brad and Sage's duet. I don't own it! I got it off youtube! And the kiss at the end of it doesn't happen ok? They just press their foreheads together! Got it? Good!



PLEASE VOTE OR COMMENT.....I'l update next week if you do. :)))))

Chapter fifteen

"Hey Chica." Kalina said while skipping up to me as lunch started.

"Hey." I mumbled looking for Aaron. He'd driven me to school but wasn't in chemistry which I found weird.

"How was your weekend?"

"It was...interesting." I said still stretching my neck around looking for Aaron as we sat down.

"Would you like to explain?" She said giving me a strange look as she unwrapped her sandwich.

"My dad was pissy all weekend and he made me stay with my grandma while he went on a business trip for the whole weekend."

"Really? Wow...he's getting worse."

"Ya." I sighed before I caught a glimpse of Aaron.

He was surrounded by girls. There was at least five of them fawning all over him, they were pressing up against him and grabbing his biceps.

I dropped the fork I had been using to eat my salad and nearly choked.

He caught my eye and gave a feeble smile before turning back to one of the many airheads who preceded to laugh before kissing his cheek.

Another one of them laughed and leaned close enough to him her lips could have brushed his cheek. I stood up making sure he saw and I crossed my arms sending him a pissed off look.

He shrugged as if 'what can I do?' before replying to something one of them had said.

What is he doing? How can he let them fall all over him while I'm standing right here? People knew we were dating didn't they? I'd told nearly the whole cheerleading squad, and I'm sure Nadia had told everyone she knew.

I shook my head before snatching up my back pack and storming from the cafeteria. I thought I heard Aaron and Kalina call after me but I ignored them.

I had to restrain myself from sprinting down the hallway and around the corner and into the girl's bathroom.

I tossed my bag on the ground before raking my hands through my hair.

I can't wrap my mind around the fact that he hadn't done anything to make those girls leave or at least said something to them.

The door burst open and I turned to see it was Aaron.

"Aaron! What are you doing here?...This is the girl's bathroom."

"Sage, what's wrong? Why did you stomp out of the lunch room?"

"Because you were flirting with all those other girls!" I nearly shouted at him.

"I was not!" He argued.

"Don't do that, Aaron."

"Do what?"

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