Chapter thirteen

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Hey guys this chapter isn't super duper exciting but some important things happen in this chapter, so it had to be written. And I swear the next chapter is going to be good!!
The video on the side is of Sage and Brads duet! (I don't own it it's from youtube from a part of So you think you can dance. It's not mine.) Also there's an interview in the beginning so just skip to 50 seconds into the vide and that's where the dance starts.
So comment and vote to let me know how it was and what you thought of it.
P.S. The more comments I get the quicker I'll update!!!! ;)

 Chapter thirteen

I had just walked back into Aaron’s room after I’d changed into some of his clothes for pajamas. I had on my own pair of spandex under his black button up shirt.

“Why don’t you look adorable?” He said smirking as I walked up to him while he lounged on the bed.

“Thanks.” I said before lying next to him and looking up at the plain ceiling.

“Thinking of something?” He said while pulling me closer.

“Just about how screwed I am once I get home.” I laughed.

“Then maybe you shouldn’t be spending the night here?” He offered while laughing along with me.

“See that’s probably the smart idea…but it’s not fun at all.”

“And that’s why I like you.” He said before kissing my forehead and turning off the light.

My heart sunk at his words, but what had I expected? That he loved me back? Of course not. Aaron is Aaron. Even though I love him, I know he’s not that kind of person.

He’s the kind of person that will date people but he won’t love. There’s a hard interior part of him that I can’t understand.

Normal people would leave him; they wouldn’t stick around just for him to break up with them.

I know that’ll happen too. I’ve just been waiting for the day where I refuse to go as far as he wants to and he decides to break everything off right there.

I closed my eyes attempting to block out the thoughts for now.


The next morning I woke up in Aaron’s bed, wrapped in Aaron’s arms, and listening to the sound of his alarm.

I could hear him groan as I turned it off and stood up.

“Hey.” I said shaking his shoulder. “Get up…you have school.”

“I don’t wanna go…can’t I stay here with you?”

“I wish.” I said pulling him out of bed. “But I have to go back home where hopefully my dad isn’t.”

“Ok.” He said grinning and giving me a quick kiss before he closed the door to the bathroom to take a shower.

I pulled off my spandex and slipped into my skinny jeans again. I scooped up my plaid shirt and leather jacket deciding to just keep his black t-shirt on anyway.

I was carefully walking down the stairs and nearly ran over a little girl with short blonde hair.

“Oh my gosh!” I squeaked putting my hand out to stop her from tumbling over.

“Hi.” She smiled grinning. She looked to be about eight, maybe nine.

“Um, hi.” I laughed.

“My names Zoey but everyone calls me Zoe. What’s your name?” She said extending her hand to me.

I chuckled before taking her hand and shaking it. “My name is Sage.”

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