Chapter forty-four

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Hey guys so I managed to get another update in for this weekend! 

I had a blast at prom! It was at the aquarium, and it was great. Someone asked me to post a picture but Wattpad hasn't been letting me post pictures anymore so I'll post it on my fan page and put the link in the comments below. 

This chapter is also dedicated to onedirectionisheart, check out her story Me, myself, and the bad boy.

Anyway this chapter isn't super exciting, but it's a filler and the things in this chapter are mostly needed. Anyway I hope you guys enjoy! And I hope you all had a good weekend. Remember to vote and comment please! 

Chapter forty-four

“Wake up!” Someone yelled in my ear. I groaned before rolling over. “Beautiful, get up!”

“Zane!” I yelled finally looking at him. “Go away!”

“But we’re alone!” He whined. “Everyone left.”

“What?” I said rubbing my face with my hands.

“They all went out for breakfast or something.” He said shrugging.

“Why didn’t they wake us up?” I said slowly getting out of bed.

“Because it’s twelve in the afternoon?” He said like it was obvious. “Just a guess.”

I shook my head before walking down the stairs and sure enough no one else was home. There was a note taped to the kitchen table.

‘You two slept in too long and we decided to go out and get some breakfast.’
-Your friends.

“Awesome.” I mumbled.

“So what now?” Zane askde while jumping up on the kitchen table.

“I’m not sure.”

“Well you know,” Zane said with a devious smile. “I have an idea.

It took us maybe an hour to get ready before we were hiding outside when their car pulled up. They had only taken one car which led me to believe that they had illegally crammed everyone in the small jeep.

I looked up at Zane who was carefully balanced in the tree that was on the edge of the yard. He gave me a thumbs up before pushing his sunglasses up his nose.

We both had on baggy black t-shirts, dark sunglasses, black streaks of war paint and black converse. He had on black khaki shorts while I had on short black jean shorts.

We both had two big water guns and one smaller water pistol. The rest we’d left lying out in the middle of the yard.

“What’s going on?” Hailey said squinting at the water guns.

I tried not to laugh from where I was hiding behind a big potted plant on the porch.

“Are those water guns?” Aaron asked as the rest of them grouped near the guns.

Zane made some tribal yell before jumping from the tree. He did a rather painful looking tuck and roll before standing on his feet. “Say hello to my little friends.” He said aiming both his water guns at our group of friends. They all looked at him with a mixture of shock and amusement. I pulled myself up onto the porch railing before doing a front flip off it. Cheerleading makes me seem so much cooler. “And my other friend.” Zane said motioning to me.

“Aloha.” I said nodding.

“You wouldn’t.” Brad said shaking his head.

“Oh but we would.” Zane said grinning.

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