Chapter one Aarons POV

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Because I am so grateful for all of your support and how much you truly care for the story I decided that you guys deserved another Aaron's POV chapter. The rest will be in the published book but I hope you guys enjoy this. It hasn't been edited so hopefully it's ok. And in the published book this might be somewhat different (added parts deleted parts) I hope you all like it though. Comment or vote to let me know your thoughts!!

Also if any of you have any questinos on something that happened in the book or about anything else (how I wrote it, made my desicions, something about publishing it, ect) go a head and post them here and I'll answer them all in another post. I'll only be answering questions until tomorrow night. Then I'm cutting it off. :) Thanks guys!

Chapter one

Aaron POV

I yawned as Nadia continued talking to me while I waited for the bell to ring signaling that it was time for class. Who even knows what she was talking about? Her hair? Her outfit? It was shallow that was all I knew which is why I chose to tune her out instead of listening.
I heard other people starting to talk louder than normal and I craned my neck to see what was going on.
A crowd was forming around something or someone, I couldn’t tell.
Maybe it’s a fight? Fingers crossed it’s a girl fight.
“Come on,” I murmured cutting Nadia off mid-sentence as I walked to the growing crowd. I shoved past people while Nadia clutched to my arm as if she would lose me. I finally got to a spot where I could see and it wasn’t a fight after all. At least not the violent kind.
It appeared that Kalina, one of the cheerleaders who had turned me down years ago, was having a sort of dance off with a girl I had never seen before.
Once Kalina was done dancing the girl, who I assumed was new slowly clapped for her as if she thought what Kalina had done was mere child plays. She kicked off her shoes and dropped her bag on the floor.
Her dancing was a mixture of ballet and cheerleading.
Her long blonde hair twirled around her and there was always the ghost of a smile on her lips. Her eyes were shining but I couldn’t tell if they were blue or green, she was moving too fast for me to catch a long enough glimpse.
All I knew was that she looked an awful lot like a Barbie.
Her and Kalina laughed together before exchanging a few words and Kalina linked their arms together before they started making their way through the crowd.
I felt Nadia cross her arms and I could practically see daggers shooting from her eyes at the new girl. Nadia must feel threatened.
I shoved my hands in my pockets and I couldn’t help but look at her. She was beautiful.
She looked up at me and met my eyes. Her eyes were a mix between blue and green, almost like a teal aqua.
She quickly ducked her head and let her blonde hair fall in front of her face before she nearly dragged Kalina down the closest hallway.
“Who the hell was that?” Nadia snarled.
“I don’t know,” I said under my breath. “But I plan on finding out.”


I sat down in chemistry sighing. I crossed my arms and leaned back. Chad, the guy who sits in front of me leaned back and tapped on my desk to get my attention. “Have you seen that new girl that’s been walking around?”
“I saw her this morning,” I shrugged trying to seem as uninterested as possible. I don’t chase girls. They chase me.
“She was in my second period,” he continued not taking the hint that I wasn’t interested. “She’s pretty hot.”
I just nodded my head instead of replying hoping that it would end the conversation. Thankfully it did.
I heard the bell ring just as the classroom door slammed shut. I looked up to see none other than the Barbie walking into class. She was trying to avoid eye contact and rush to any empty seat but Mr. Smith caught her before she could get away. He motioned for her to walk to the front of the class. She sighed and rolled her eyes before walking back and looking at the floor.
“Class we have a new student today,” Mr. Williams started.
“Really? I thought she’d been here the whole time,” Chad said sarcastically before high fiving his friend across the aisle. I rolled my eyes.
Mr. Williams ignored Chad and cleared his throat, “Why don’t you tell us your name and something interesting about yourself?” He offered before walking back to his desk.
She sighed again and pushed some of her hair behind her ear. “My name is Sage Thompson and I like to dance,” she said simply.
She set herself up, I can’t help myself. “And Barbie really can dance.”
Her head snapped up so fast I thought she might give herself whiplash. She squinted her eyes and realization crossed her face before she started glaring at me.
“Mr. Williams,” Mr. Smith yelled at me. “it is too early in class for your vulgar comments to start, and I’m sure Miss Thompson doesn’t appreciate them on her first day.” I looked back at Sage to see that she had once again let her hair fall in front of her face. Mr. Smith sighed, “Unfortunately, Miss Thompson the only seat available is by Mr. Williams himself.”
She rolled her eyes again before walking to the back of the class. She sat farther away from me then she needed to and I decided to play around a bit.
I moved my chair closer to her and it made a noise as it scraped across the floor. I saw her stiffen and look at me out of the corner of her eye. She scrunched her eyebrows together apparently confused and she moved her chair farther away from me. She leaned down to grab something from her back pack and I took it as an advantage to move closer to her again. I saw her turn her head and look over at me but I looked at the white board pretending to be completely interested in whatever Mr. Smith was talking about.
She shook her head before scooting farther away from me. She ran a hand through her hair and I caught a whiff of vanilla. It was one of the most intoxicating things I have smelled in a while, and it was way better then Nadia’s bitter smelling perfume.
She started writing in her notebook and I looked over to see that she was at the edge of the desk. She had nowhere left to go.
I moved my chair so close to her that our chairs were practically touching. She froze mid-sentence. She looked at me again but I didn’t look away as she met my eyes.
“Aaron,” I smiled sticking my hand out to her so she could shake it. She looked me over as if she was approving of me before she ignored my hand.
“Well Aaron, do you mind?” She asked pointing to the space that was practically nonexistent.  
I smirked at her. If she wanted to be a bitch I could be rude as well. “Not at all, Barbie.”
Her eyes darkened almost immediately. “Sage.” Oh wow, that was more effective than I thought.
“Hm?” I said pretending to be more interested in something else then what she was saying.
“My name is Sage,” she continued obviously pissed.
I smiled at her. “Whatever you say…Barbie.” I just couldn’t resist.
She sighed before looking away from me and pointedly ignoring me for the rest of the class period.
When the bell rang she shoved everything into her bag before nearly sprinting for the door. She got all the way to the hallway before I caught up to her and threw my arm around her shoulders.
She looked at me and nearly seethed with anger.
“Can I help you?” She asked through gritted teeth.
“Well that depends, what are you offering to help with?” I smirked.
“Gross,” she groaned shoving my arm off her shoulders.
“You won’t be saying that in a few days,” I said trying to keep up with her as she walked faster to get away from me.
“You’re right; it’ll turn into ‘disgusting’,” she snapped.
I stopped but yelled after her. “Every girl wants me eventually, Barbie!”
She didn’t turn around but she called over her shoulder, “I’m not like ‘every girl’!”
That was for sure.  

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