Chapter twenty-eight

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Hey guys I feel sooo bad for taking sooo long to update. I got picked to direct a play I wrote at school! It's so awesome but it takes up a lot of time. But here it is!!!! I hope you like it because stuff goes down! I know it's short but I wanted to end it there and hopefully the next chapter will be longer.

The video on the side is Brad and Sage's duet. I don't own it! I got it off youtube. 

Also I'm going to be mean again and not upload until I have twenty comments again. I know I know that sucks, buuuuuuuut I have finals all this week and my play rehearsals are starting this week as well. Three days a week. And I can't really skip or BS them cuz I kinda have to direct them. Anywho Vote and comment! Please and thank you! Enjoy!



Chapter twenty-eight

I walked in the front door to find no one home. I actually looked around the whole house until I found a note on the kitchen table.

I’m not sure if you’re home on time like you said you would but I have to go on another business trip, not that you care but I’ll be home this Wednesday.

Oh man, he’s pissed.

He used the guilt card making me seem like the bad person. Well that’s not true. Sure I felt bad for leaving, but he was the reason I left in the first place. Not to mention I didn’t miss school or anything. It was just spring break.

I sighed before ripping the note up and throwing it away.

I stomped up the stairs to unpack everything, before I texted my friends to let them know I was back home. I also texted Brad letting him know I wanted to do another dance once my dad was back.

The house was unusually quiet and I had a hard time sleeping that night. When I woke up part of me was hoping my dad would be there, but he wasn’t.

School went by in a blur and I was just sitting outside the gym when Kalina came to sit by me.

“Hey Chica, how was Paris?”

“It was…amazing.”

“What happened there?”

“It was just a lot of site seeing…and eating and romantic things.” I said smiling.

“A lot of love making?” She said with a huge grin while drawing out the sentence and elbowing me in the side. I blushed. “OMG!” She screamed while shaking me by my arms.

“Shh!” I said covering her mouth with my hand. “I don’t want a bunch of people knowing about it.”

She scrunched her eyebrows at me. “Why not? Scared of your virtue?”

“No of course not, it’s-“

“Don’t tell me it’s Nate.”

“No!” I nearly yelled at her. “I don’t want it getting back to Nadia, she’d just hold it above my head and be all ‘Aaron’s going to leave you’ and I just don’t want to deal with that.”

“Oh, that makes way more sense.”

“Ya.” I said before bumping her with my shoulder with a slight smile on my face.

“Hey ladies.” Brad said while walking up to us.

“Hey hun.” Kalina said before standing and giving him a quick kiss.

“Ready to get started on this new dance that will probably only lead to trouble?” He asked while grinning at me.

“Yep, and I have the perfect song.” I said returning the grin and walking into the gym.

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