Chapter thirty-four

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Hey what? Another upload? Who rocks? 

Anyway I hope you guys like this I put a twist at the end. ;) Hopefully none of you will have seen it coming.

Also go like my fan page on facebook!: Kaminicolino books

Anyway pretty please vote and comment to let me know how you liked it and how you feel about it.

Please and thank you!!


Chapter thirty-four

“Hey Beautiful!” Zane yelled while jumping on my bed yet again. “Get up!”

“Zane…” I mumbled into my pillow. “If my clock says that it is any earlier than seven you should run.”

“Good thing I’m not scared of you.” He said laughing.

I looked up at my clock to see that it was six. I groaned. “I kind of hate you.”

“No you don’t.” He said grinning before walking over to the door. “Oh and I’ll have breakfast ready soon.”

I groaned again before chucking a pillow at him, although he managed to dodge it so it just bounced off the door.

I let myself sit in bed for another five minutes before Zane came back in.

“I’m getting up…eventually.” I mumbled while rubbing my eyes.

“Sage!” He yelled.

“I’m tired not hearing impaired!” I yelled back.

Hailey stopped in front of my doorway. “If you two are going to be yelling and stomping around every morning I might rethink about letting you two live here.” She said before yawning and walking down the hall.

“It’s Zane’s fault not mine!” I called after her.

“Sage.” He said crossing his arms and tapping his foot.

“Fine!” I said getting up. “I’m up.”

He smiled before walking towards the door. “Oh and wear something cute.” He said flashing me a grin.

“Are you saying I don’t always look cute?”

“Not at 6am you don’t.” He muttered before sprinting out the door.

I knew he was joking but my jaw still dropped. “What a dick.” I mumbled before walking down the hall and into the bathroom.

I showered before changing into tight black leggings and a dark grey tank top. I found a dark blue short sleeved off the shoulder crop top that I put on over my tank top before I slipped on the same dark blue colored high heeled ankle boots that were at the bottom of one of my unpacked boxes.

I stomped down the stairs wincing at how loud my shoes were on the hard wood floor. I stepped into the kitchen to see Hailey dressed and ready to go.

“Hey.” She smiled before taking a bite of toast.

“Hi, are you coming with us?” I asked as I sat next to her while Zane handed me a plate with toast and bacon on it.

“No, I’m going to school because somebody didn’t invite me.” She said while giving Zane a playful glare.

“That’s a lie! I invited you before Sage you just said no.”

“I don’t know if that makes me feel bad about myself or not.” I muttered before taking a bite of my bacon.

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