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Months ago, months after we woke up, Y/N, Violet, and I were getting a routine check-up at the facility. We didn't all have to be there most of the time unless it was something specific. Emma set us up to be there at the same time.

We got there, knew something was up, and then had our tests run. After that, Emma sat us down in a meeting room and had a discussion with us.

Emma: You already know that we have to discuss something.

Violet: Been dying to hear it.

Emma: It's very important that you hear me out.

Y/N: Get on with it. I don't like it here.

Emma: You two woke up a few months ago. Since then, you've worked very hard to get better. Now you've been released into the world... When you woke up, there were rings on your fingers.

She points to me and Y/N.

Emma: You already know that you two were engaged before you went in. What you don't know is that you still have to follow through with that.

Y/N: What?

Emma: You two have to get married.

Violet: Woah, Woah, woah, hold on a second.

Emma: We can't risk anyone figuring anything out about what is happening here. This is all highly classified stuff. To try our best to keep up the mirage, you two still need to get married.

I'm a little flustered. He's always been my best friend, but I'd be lying if I said I'd never wanted this.

Y/N: You're kidding.

Emma: The higher-ups think that would be the best course of action in this situation. Either of the other two would cause them to get unnecessarily close and start asking questions that you don't have answers to.

Y/N: So you figure it out. I didn't die to deal with this shit.

He gets up and starts walking out.

Y/N: I have a wife. I don't need another one.

A few weeks later, Emma had convinced him; he was on board. We had talked a few times about how it was completely platonic. We were doing it because we had to. Which still bummed me out. I've always been attracted to him.

One night, before bed, I tried the engagement ring on. I wanted to make sure it still fit. It was cold and a little loose, but it still fit good enough. There was something about it I quite couldn't put my finger on. It made me feel a certain way. Loved was part of it, but there was more to it. I took it off and went to bed.

That night, I had some fuzzy dreams. It's like they were out of focus. I was there; I saw it through my eyes, obviously. The dreams seemed real. I remember the smells, some feelings that came along with it. I couldn't figure out what any of it was.

Every night, I had the dreams again. They became more and more clear over time.

Y/N and me talking for the first time when we were so young. I was a year older than him, but we would play together any chance we got. When I moved to middle school, I felt a million miles away from him, but we'd always meet up after school. Every single day we'd walk home together or go to the park or something. Anything that would allow us to see each other.

I remember when I was in seventh grade, and he had finally gotten to sixth. We started dating. Everyone else was doing it, so we thought it would be cool. Unlike the rest of those god awful relationships, we actually talked to each other. We even went on dates with the few dollars we had. We made it work.

I remember our first kiss and how it freaked me out. I didn't talk to him for a few days. But I got over it and apologized for how I acted. He kissed me again on the spot.

I remember when I got to high school. Damn, that felt awful. We didn't even go to the same school anymore. Yet still, we went out of our ways to see each other.

And then he got to high school. We had never had classes together, but now we had a few. I can't recall what they were. All I can really remember are the moments about him.

I remember our first time and how romantic and intimate. We got a hotel room for ourselves and spent the night. I lied to my parents and told them I was staying with a friend. They didn't like Y/N; telling them, I was going off to have sex with him wouldn't have gone over well. I don't remember why they didn't like him.

A few years after high school. He proposed to me. He took me out to this really beautiful spot. There was a waterfall, a beautiful view of a forest, and he happened to do it at sunset. I was the happiest person on the planet.

I remember talking to Lena about it. I asked her to be my maid of honor. She was so excited about it.

Y/N and I moved in together, not for long, but we did. I don't remember how we ended up being recruited for Project V, but I convinced him. "We would be set up for life; how could that be bad?" I told him. Then we got our memories taken from us, we lived in hell for over thirty years, and he fell in love with someone else.

Sure, I met Violet, but I always liked Y/N. From the moment we first talked, I was attracted. He gave me someone in a world that I had no one.

Now I have all these memories in my head. Everything about the two of us. Every little thing. Every single moment. Only him. I don't remember family vacations, books I read, movies I watched, girls I didn't like, classes I took, teachers. I don't remember my first car, my grandparents, any of my family outside of the immediate one really, heck, I barely remember my room. It's all him. I only remember him. I only see him. Violet has been washed away in this sea of memories that have just been thrown into my head.

I wasn't sleeping well at night. Every night was filled with more and more of our time together. It hurt. It hurt to know what I had lost. I remember every vulnerable moment, every single kiss, every way he made me feel.

The night before we left for our marriage, I went over to his house. I had reached a boiling point; I had to see him. I slept the best I had in weeks. Having him next to me made me feel better. Even the way he woke me up, yelling at his phone, made me feel good.

I can't tell him. I can't tell him, or Violet, or Emma. I can't tell anyone. I don't know what I'm supposed to do. I love him. That's my fiancé. But he isn't mine. He's Clementine's...

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