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Brooklyn: No, no, no, you're stupid.

You: Brooklyn, you didn't do it right.

Brooklyn: I did!

You're helping her with her homework.

You: No, look.

You show her what she did wrong, and she swats your hand away.

Brooklyn: It's right.

You: You are going to fail if you don't let me help you.

Brooklyn: I'm telling you, yours is wrong.

You look over yours for the fifth time. It's correct.

You: Brooklyn, can the proud attitude and let me help you. I'm not going to hold it over your head for not understanding.

Someone punches you in the face. Not hard enough to hurt, but hard enough to jolt you awake.

You: Yep!

Brooklyn: You're telling me that you were asleep that entire time.

She sounds angry, but she's also smiling.

You: Um... Sorry, what entire time?

Brooklyn: Idiot.

She grabs your pillow and hits you with it.

You: Hey, I'm sorry, I'm tired.

She growls and lies her head down to look at the ceiling.

Brooklyn: I was talking to you.

You: Ok. Start over.

Brooklyn: I don't even remember what I was saying.

You: Alright.

You turn yourself and lay back down, resting your head on her stomach.

You: Then talk about something else.

She immediately goes for your head, massaging it, scratching it, playing with your hair.

Brooklyn: Today was... Eventful.

You: Yeah. Crazy to think it all happened in a day.

Brooklyn: Mhm. Here we were thinking you'd see Marina and then we'd come home. I didn't expect to have to go back in to save your ass.

You: I am very thankful you did.

Brooklyn: Clementine wanted to come in too, but Emma wouldn't let her.

You: I'm not surprised. With her dying and being in that weak state, it's probably best she didn't.

Brooklyn: Speaking of her, how'd the talk go?

She rests her hand on your head and stops playing.

Brooklyn: You're in a great mood, which kinda worries me about my standing, and we stayed for a few hours afterward, and you two seem pretty chummy.

You: You don't need to worry about your standing, Brooklyn.

Brooklyn: Don't I?

You: No. I did not just propose to you for no reason.

Brooklyn: See, I still think that's practically a joke.

You: Why?

Brooklyn: Y/N, we were butt-ass naked, you were teasing me, and we were in a musty, post-apocalyptic building.

You: But I meant it.

Brooklyn: You're so stupid sometimes.

You: I try.

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