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Drying my hair I walked into the bedroom, it was now 1 am and me and Barnes had to get up early.

He was already lying peacefully in his bed, I turned the light off and painfully got in my bed.The cold doesn't usually bother me, but here it was freezing.

"Goodnight",James whispered.

"Night",I replied trying to get warm.

After around 10 minutes I still couldn't sleep, maybe it's because I've only ever slept in the red room, and this bed was somehow worse.

Suddenly I heard movement in the room, I quickly pulled my gun out from under my pillow.James quickly put his arms out.

"Don't shoot, it's only me",He chuckled.

"S-sorry",I replied anxious.

"Are you alright?".

"Y-yes i'm fine",I sighed.

"Okay",He replied, getting back into bed.

Ugh that was so embarrassing.


"Natasha",James whispered.

"Yes",I said exhaustedly, adjusting to my surroundings.

"You need to get up"

"Oh yes.Yes....What time is it?",I asked.

"It's 7:30".

I quickly got up moving.

"Why didn't you tell me?!"

"I-i didn't want to wake you".He blushed.

Sighing I got up.

"This is going to lose valuable time....this is my first mission and I'm messing up",I panicked putting my head in my hands.

"You're going to be fine,'' he said reassuringly.

I ignored him, instead focusing on what we need to plan.


The car ride was silent, i watched the world go by as i reflected on the mission and the suspect, 6'4 white male, more like a soldier, he was said to be an ex hitman, but got tired...which was a mistake.However my mind kept fixating on the heated argument i had with James, and the way i reacted, even though we're right on time.Like he said we would be.

"We're here",He said softly.

Nodding my head I smiled and got out of the car silently.

This was it, my first ever mission.

"Here we go",I said taking a deep breath.

The house was massive, not surprisingly because of his paycheck.

Effortlessly we got past the security cameras and locked doors.Everything i had trained for.

James entered the front, as I went around the back of the house.

Slowly I turned the door handle.Gripping my hand on my gun, I searched the rooms one by one.

However I heard movement, it was a child.

Kill everyone you see.

Rang in my head.Taking a deep breath i saw a child playing on his own in a room filled with toys.I aimed my silenced gun, looking away i took the shot. He didn't even see me coming.

Closing the door, I felt guilt sink into me.

No, i can't show emotion, if i didn't kill him, i wouldn't deserve my title.The infamous black widow.

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