I loved him

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It's been two days and i still haven't left my room, all i've been doing is drinking.It keeps my thoughts away from him, from James.It still hasn't hit me he's actually here.But he doesn't even know me.

Sighing I felt my hangover this morning, I decided I need to get myself together, not hide away like a coward.

Straightening my hair, and to make myself presentable, I wore nice clothes also putting on light makeup and lip gloss.Sighing I looked at myself in the mirror, I wanted to punch it, but I couldn't.

Making my way downstairs hazily, I looked around and everyone appeared to be in the living room, however as I entered Clint walked up to me,grabbing my arm and pulling me into the kitchen.

"You need to eat",Clint whispered harshly, starting to make me a meal.

I looked across the room and everyone was looking at us, including James.

"I'm fine", whispering harshly in return.

"Whenever this happens, you always try to make people think you're fine, but you're not".He said looking towards me, but i avoided eye contact.

"Steve could you please go to Nat's room and clear it out",He said to prove a point.

"Alright, can Bucky help?"He replied.

"Yeh sure",Clint said carelessly.

"Clint, NO",I said harshly.I barely let anyone in my room and he knows that, so why would he willingly let James in.Especially him.

"What, it's for your own good",He said, concerned for me.

"No, you don't understand",I said angrily.

"Understand what?",He said, confused.

"Ugh,fuck you",I basically shouted.

Everyone watched me run out confused.Suddenly it occurred to me what was in my room, what I had left on display.

Bucky's POV

Me and Steve walked up to Natasha's room, I think it was?

I don't know what it is about her, but she still seems so familiar.

We walked into her room and it looked pretty tidy, apart from her bin being full of empty vodka bottles, I'm guessing it takes her a lot to get drunk too.

However before we walked away Steve noticed something on her bed, I couldn't quite see what it was.

He held a photo in one hand and a dog tag in the other, I also noticed there was still a bottle of vodka next to them.I looked back at Steve and his face was full of shock.

"What is it Steve?"I asked.

He turned to tell me until out of nowhere Natasha burst through the door. She froze in her spot just staring at what Steve was holding.

"Nat why do you-"Steve started, but he was suddenly cut off by her.

"Get out".She shouted going up to Steve and trying to take what was in his hands.

"Tell me how you got this,"Steve shouted back.

Natasha then got annoyed and pushed him against the wall so he dropped the things.

"I should probably go"I said anxiously, I didn't feel like it was my place to be.

"No stay",Steve replied.

"Go",Natasha shouted back.

I nodded my head and closed the door waiting outside.Now all I heard was muffled talking.

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