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⚠️Drugs/overdose warning⚠️

-A week later-

A was drinking some alcohol.Maybe too much.

I had another flashback, they're getting too regular, almost everyday.I think it's because of james.But he doesn't know, he can't.

I need to do something about it, but all i can do is take more pills which makes me slightly less depressed.

I took another swig of alcohol washing them down.My head became heavy, it started to spin slightly.

It was from my thoughts that I convinced myself, so I took more...

Bucky's POV

I was talking with Sam and Steve until it started getting late, so I thought I would check up on Nat.

Assuming she was in her room, I knocked on the door with my metal arm.But I got no response.

I knocked again.


Quietly i opened the door, maybe she was asleep.

The room was dimly lit, but Natasha was there lay on her sheets.

"Nat".I whispered.

No response.

"Natalia",I said a little louder.


"Nat",I said more sternly, she would've usually woken up by now.

I went up to her side and shook her slightly.

There was alcohol and pills everywhere.

Worriedly I leant in trying to hear her breathing.

She was.Just.

"Natalia",I shouted trying to shake her one more time.


"Fuck",I shouted, punching a wall, breaking through it.

Shit get it together.

I put her on her side.She's overdosed...


I ran to the bathroom and opened her cupboard.

"C'mon where is it?",I shouted, making a mess of her cupboard.

YES.I found it.

Sprinting back with it in my hand, I carefully sprayed it up her nose.

A few seconds went by,which felt like a few hours.

"Nat please wake up....I can't lose you",I whispered, my eyes starting to sting.

"Please",I repeated listening to her breaths again.

When suddenly she burst awake shaking.

"Natalia",I said in relief cupping her face, trying to calm her down.

In a few seconds she calmed into her surroundings.

"What happened?"She said, quickly sitting up, moving away from my grip.

"You....overdosed",I said anxiously.

She looked away putting her head in her hands.

"Shit.",She muttered.

"Yes Shit, you gave me a heart attack".

"...I'm sorry",She whispered.

"Nat...it's ok",I said, rubbing her knee.

"No, it's not",She took her hands away, I could see the pain in her emerald green eyes.

"Nat we don't have to talk about-"


"What is it?",I replied, trying to get her to look at me.

"...I can't do this anymore".

"Do what?",I asked anxiously.

"...Us.",She replied, only looking down.

"I-I don't understand."

"You should g-go",Her voice almost breaking.

"It's just the alcohol talking, Nat please".

"No",She replied shaking her head.

"I am not leaving you right now".I said sternly.

She looked like she was going to break down any second.

"....I-um...keep on having flashbacks".She said, a tear falling down her cheek, but showing no emotion.

"How often?",I asked softly.

"...Almost, every day".

Another tear fell.

"Nat, why didn't you tell me about this?".I asked worriedly.

"...Because it's you....I think-...The longer we are together, the more frequent they have come..I- I just can't take it anymore",She said distressed rubbing her temple.

".....S-so is this just a break or a-".

"I don't know",She replied, cutting me off and wiping her tears away.

I nodded my head looking down.

"Do you want me to get Clint, or?".

"No, just...stay, please...don't tell anyone".She replied, finally looking at me, as I looked at the floor.

"I won't",I said, matching her eyes.

She nodded slowly.

"You should sleep",I said standing up and clearing her bed of the empty bottles and pills.

"Yeh",She replied, pulling herself under the covers.

I then lay down on the floor.

"What are you doing?",She asked.

"Making sure you fall asleep",I said softly.

"Come here".She replied.

"Are you sure?",I said hesitantly, getting up off the floor.

She nodded her head.

"Only if you promise me one thing".I said.

She knew what I was about to say.

"You never pull anything like this, ever again".

"I promise",She whispered groggily, turning away from me.

I nodded my head, slowly getting into bed.

"Thank you",I heard her whisper.

Before I was certain she was asleep.

I didn't sleep at all.I wanted to know that she was safe.


I know I haven't posted in so long again and I'm sorry this chapter is very sensitive.

Thank you for reading!

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