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-Two days later-

I've been trying to come up with a plan to find Yelena.James said he would help me, but I think it's best if I do it alone.I think better alone.

Until there was a tapping on my door.

"James come in".I said.

He opened the door slowly and replied "Tony is having a party tonight if you want to come?".

"No thanks,I'm busy".

"Busy doing what?",He asked.


"I thought you said you weren't going on any more missions?",He said walking in.

I got up from my desk with my closed laptop on it.

"What work?".

I didn't say anything.

He tried to move beside me but I got in his way.

"Hey".He chuckled.

He tried again but this time I pinned him against the wall.

"I don't want to talk about it".I replied.

"Why not?",He said, pinning me down instead.

But now he could get to my laptop.

He quickly walked to my laptop and with ease unlocked it.

"No I-".

"Hydra?".He said.

"W-what?".I replied.

He quickly turned around and put his metal arm to my throat.

Kinky.No this is not the time.

"Are you working for HYDRA?",He asked angrily.

"N-NO,why would I?".I stuturred.

"Well there's a whole file about Hydra work!".

"No, that's J-just".

"I wouldn't put it past you".

...Tears started to form in my eyes, my throat started to close up.I couldn't breathe.

"G-get out".I choked.

He then realised what he said.

"Nat I-"

"GET OUT",I Shouted, pushing him off me.

He nodded his head and slowly walked away.

Tears started to pour down my eyes, as I angrily threw my laptop across my room.Why do I always struggle to tell the truth.

-An hour later-

I lay in my bed drowning in my own thoughts.Barnes is right, I can't be trusted.

Maybe I should go to the party, it might clear my head.

I wore a black dress with red lipstick and straightened my hair.

Opening my door I started walking towards the party.

However when I got there I felt lost, like I wasn't even there.Like I was nobody.

No one even realised I was there.

Watching the world go by around me, my attention went to the bar.


I walked up to it and started drinking.I didn't care how many I had.

After a while I decided I should just go to my room, however when I turned around and got up I walked into a person, the person was tall with black hair and brown eyes.

"S-sorry".I slurred getting off of him.

"Are you drunk?".He asked.

"Maybe",I chuckled looking at the floor.

"Do you want me to take you home?".

"I live here so ha ha",I replied.

"Do you want me to take you back to your room then?".He smirked.

"No it's okay",

"No I insist".He said, taking my hand.

"Oh okay".I replied

After a few minutes we got to my room and stopped at the door.

"Thanks for walking me back".

"Do I not get anything in return?".

"In return?".I questioned.

"Yes like-"He said walking closer to me.

"No".I said quickly walking into my room.

However, he grabbed the door handle and walked into my room.

"What are you doing?",I asked cautiously.

He quickly went up to me and kissed me.

Stop",I said, pushing him away.

"You want this".

"No I don't",I said, pulling out a knife.

He pulled out a pistol.

"Drop it".

"You're not going to shoot me".I replied.

"We'll see about that".

He came closer, close enough.

I kicked the gun out of his hand and swung my knife at him.But he caught it.

He pushed me backwards towards the bed now with a knife at my throat.

Instead I quickly got my other knife out and slit his throat.

His blood poured everywhere on me.At least I'm wearing a black dress.

Now what am I going to do with the body?

Until my door suddenly opened.

I quickly hid behind the door and as soon as they entered I put my knife to their throat.

"James...thank God".I sighed.

"Tasha, what happened?"He replied, seeing me soaked in blood.

"Oh I just killed someone".

"Oh so just because you felt like killing someone, you did?".

"No it's not like that".I replied.

"Then what is it like?. why is there a dead man on your bed?".

I started to get light headed from the alcohol.

"Nat tell me!".

"Because he tried to kiss me".I said quietly, as tears formed in my eyes.

He slowly brought me into a hug and I lay my head on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry". He whispered.

I pulled away and he caught the tear that was rolling down my face.

"Now let's go and hide a dead body".


Thank you for reading :)

Please comment your thoughts!!


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