The soldier

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Red room, Russia 1950's.

It was extremely early one morning, I waited for madame B(My teacher, mainly for ballet) to unlock my handcuffs attached to my bed.I heard some of the girls whispering that today there is going to be a new trainer. I think the other one got fired as he wasn't good enough.

No one tells me directly what they think as i don't make any friends and everyone tries to avoid me, but i'm ok with that, i'm actually planning on escaping from here soon, i don't know how much i can take, i don't think anyone will try and stop me. They know I'm too dangerous.

We started walking to the hall to meet him, i could already hear the whispers of the girls behind me, wondering if he's good looking or not and who will go for him.It made me sick, i don't see the point in this because none of them have a chance to actually go out with anyone and we are always taught that love is for children and we should only focus independently by ourselves.However a few years ago one of the older girls had a relationship with one of the trainers.She was never seen again.

My heart started beating in my chest which was odd.I was the first one to walk into the room and my heart then stopped.There he stood emotionless and staring at nothing, but also everything at the same time.He wore a mask and goggles and had long brown hair; i couldn't even tell you how he felt.I only knew one thing, he looked deadly. Something shiny then caught my eye. He had a metal arm.

I turned my head to the other girls who had the same fearful emotions as I did, however they showed it.

He is very different from the previous trainers, i've never seen anyone like him before, however there's some sort of eeriness and mystery that i like within that. Why did I like that?

"This is your new trainer starting from today, you must not ask questions and only speak when you are spoken to, have i made myself clear".Ivan the leader of the red room spoke.

"Yes sir"We replied.

"Anastasia?",He stated.

"....Y-yes sir",she trembled just looking at the soldier standing there.

"Alright then, your training will start now and at the end of the week we will be choosing who will continue in this program and who will have a place in this world",He said and walked out of the room.

This only means one thing, the girls all around me, some will be dead by the end of this week.This is why i also don't make any friends, as by now we all know that we have to kill each other at some point to survive, however they don't make us think that. Once I was forced to kill my only friend, I hated the feeling of mourning and weakness and I never wanted to feel like that again.

These girls aren't my friends, they're my competition and I need to do my best to stay alive, no matter what cost.They always target me and say things about me as they know I am the strongest thinking that it will affect me, but that doesn't weaken me, it makes me stronger.

We went to the showers to freshen up and i couldn't get the metal soldier off my mind, not even the girls talked too much but when they did it was anxiously and monotone.

We walked cautiously into the training room, and there he stood, he waited until we were all in and lined up, he still hadn't spoken once.

We stood in silence, the girls were afraid to talk to each other as we couldn't see his eyes, so we had no idea where he was looking or how he would react, but I sensed a presence on me.

"You will be fighting one another to show me what you're capable of",His voice almost made us jump as he spoke deeply and even by his voice I was clueless of his emotion.

I could feel the tension rise in the room. We've never firstly fought together before ever, but yet again I could sense something different.

"Anastasia,Elizabeth"He read out plainly and they slowly made their way to the middle of the room without a word.

Anastasia was twitching a bit from fear, she was always one of the weaker ones, i'm surprised she hasn't been kicked out yet.Or killed for that matter.

The fight started.

Elizabeth had the upper hand which wasn't surprising and shortly, after a few seconds, Anastasia fell to the ground and it didn't look like she was getting up, that usually means that the fight will stop, however he carried on watching.After a few more seconds she whimpered so loudly she probably broke something, and that's when he put his arm out signaling to stop.

Elizabeth got up, her hands a little torn as Anastasia lay on the ground, he got one of the other girls to help her up and take her to the infirmary as he read out the next two girl's names.There was 3 more rounds where the fights were pretty even and a few had also gone to infirmary to get patched up.

Lastly it was only me and this much bigger, stronger girl i was against who was also a little older than me as i just turned 18 and she was nearly 19, however she is usually away a lot on missions they send her on and i will have my first one in a weeks time, but today she was here preparing for a few days time.

If you first looked at us, you would think she would kill me in a heartbeat.She probably could, and she has beaten me once or twice however my secret is...i always hold back, but i don't know why.

I walked to the middle of the room, I could see the few drops of blood scattered across the floor, my face was always emotionless as I got my fists ready, however her face was displayed with a smirk and it didn't help the soldiers eyes staring into the back of my head.

The fight started.

She made her first move unexpectedly which I dodged quickly.I always let them take the first move so then I can access their weaknesses, and that's when I can take them down.

She went for me again but this time i read it and kicked her back in the leg, and then i could tell she got really angry, i think she hates me the most out of all of the girls, so that didn't help.

She went for me again as her arms are the strongest and the punch just grazed my cheek.However I don't want to go too hard on her otherwise...

I'll probably end up killing her, but she doesn't know that.


Thank you for reading :)

Please comment your thoughts as this is my new story so i would really love to know your opinions about it!


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