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As soon as I entered I heard a click.I felt the cold barrel of a gun pressed to my head

"Shit",I whispered to myself.

"Nat what's wrong?",I heard Bucky ask through the wall.

"What's wrong is you".Replied the pilot as we walked in view.

James quickly got up from the couch with a confused expression.

"You killed everyone that I loved, why shouldn't I do the same?".He continued.

I could sense the plane getting lower every second.

If he was going down,he would take us with him.We are also in the middle of nowhere.

In a sense he's smart.

"I'm sure my life has been much more painful than yours".He replied calmly.

"Should we test that out?".He said shooting to the side of me.

There was now only a few miles towards the ground.

By the time he had lifted his gun back It flew out of his hand and onto the wall along with him.

"You shot at Natasha, that was your last act on earth pal".


Bucky's POV

My whole body hurts, and that takes a lot.

I slowly got up, trying to take in what had happened.

Debri was flying everywhere from the jet.

I thought Stark said they were indestructible but I guess if you nose dive into solid ground, I don't think many planes would survive that.

To my left I saw what was left of the pilot.

I guess if you kill so many people you have to expect someone to come for revenge.Me and Natasha have paid that price, more than once.


Where is she?

Squinting my eyes I saw her to my right next to a piece of broken jet.

I moved my heavy feet walking towards her.

She wasn't moving from what I could see.

I knelt down anxiety running through me.I checked for her breathing.

She was.Barely.

"Natasha".I said, worried.

I shook her but I got no response.She was unconscious.

I looked around for any injuries, until I realised her leg was trapped on some metal panels.

The metal panels are keeping her alive and if I was to move it she would bleed out.

I looked around me trying to find some sort of communication, but there were no phones around and I'm not leaving her.

Even if there were phones, I doubt we would get any signal.

-Half an hour later-

Nat's POV


It feels like every bone in my body is broken.

I force my eyes to slowly open and I see a relieved face staring back at me.

"James".I murmured.

"Natasha".He said, stroking my head in relief.

I then feel a greater pain in my right leg.Turning my head to the side I get greeted by another hand pushing it the other way.

"Natasha your leg is stuck under some metal.So i'm gonna have to lift it off and you're gonna have to use this med kit to wrap up the wound. Otherwise you could bleed to death.Can you do that for me?".He said, quickly in panic.

"Y-yes".I said,starting to sit up.Taking in what had happened.

I then realised James had taken off one of the jet seats and placed it behind me so I could rest on it.

"Fuck".I whispered through gritted teeth.Getting the medkit ready.

"Are you ready?",He asked.

"More than ever".

Effortlessly he slowly started lifting up the metal and the blood started to pour.

I tried my best to start assessing the wound but James was quick to help me instead.

After 5 minutes he was assured that the wound was safe enough for now, but we had to get to somewhere quick.We both knew that.

My eyes were blurred and my throat sore from the tears on my cheeks.

"Nat it's okay, we're all done".He said bringing me into a hug, not squeezing too tight.

"Thank you",I whispered into his chest.

"I salvaged some snacks and tried to fit all essentials in one suitcase, the phones that we had next to us were destroyed so we have no way of contact".He said sorrowfully.

By now due to my tiny amount of super soldier serum still in me, my bones started to become less sore.

"Can you stand?"He asked, lifting a hand up.

I grabbed it and immediately regretted it.I winced in pain but I pulled through and at least stood on one leg next to him.

"That was a stupid question, I'm sorry".

"It's fine, I know we have to get moving".

"I think the nearest town is three hours away to walk, but i'm gonna have to carry you also".

"Sorry",I sighed, already seeing the bandage filled with blood.

"It's okay,I have a metal arm",He smirked, trying to lighten the mood.

"Haahaa"I replied sarcastically, trying to shut out the pain.


So I know this fanfic is getting worse by the chapter, literally and events in the book.So i'm sorry about that, I just don't have much inspiration or many ideas of soft and cute scenes. I could do but I find them a bit cringey at times, however I enjoy writing action a lot.If you couldn't already tell.So please do comment your ideas/thoughts.It would mean a lot, I'm open to anything!

Thank you for reading :)


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