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I woke up tiredly and thinking about last night, coming to terms if it was actually real.My handcuffs were unlocked and we headed to the dining room for breakfast and then once again i assumed we had training first thing for the life changing fight tomorrow.

I'm not going to lie.I was kind of looking forward to seeing the soldier again but I knew that he was going to act completely different, and I'm okay with that.

However whilst i was eating i noticed the soldier wasn't there, i guessed he was getting some training things ready.However as soon as we were finished we were asked to go straight to the main hall which was a surprise.

As normal we all entered silently and in a line not sure what we were going to face.

Ivan spoke "I have come to the decision that we will delay your fight for another few days as I was discussing with the soldier and he believed that you should be given more time, which I agree with".

That was a shock. Ivan never listens to anyone and especially not a new trainer that has come in, but maybe he was more than that.At Least i know he is more than that.We were then asked to leave and head straight to the training room.

As we entered I noticed the soldier wasn't there, I'm not sure where he was, I hope nothing bad happened to him.

There was just one of the guards standing there and watching us as he told us to find a partner and spare until the soldier arrives.I was partnered with one of the weaker ones who only had one or two friends out of the now 14 of us.

I was dominating her easily and I knew she didn't have a chance to become the infamous black widow, that's what we will become when someone wins, if winning is the right term to use?

Shortly I then caught the girl in a headlock and i knew she couldn't escape, I was about to let go until the guard, who i can say he easily hated me, out of my appearance mostly, he didn't know i could kill him in a heartbeat, but i wasn't allowed to unfortunately.

"Kill her"He stated looking at me.

This isn't fair, i thought to myself, i believe everyone should have a chance especially as we have more time to practise now.

"No"I stated stubbornly, I didn't feel it was my place to.

"What was that?"He replied hastily.

"I said no"I repeated.I knew what was about to happen, but I can handle it. I hope.

"Come here"He said angrily.

I let go off the girl ,who spluttered out trying to catch her breath back, and walked over towards the guard.As soon I stood in front of him he hit me across my face replying "Don't you dare go against what i commanded, I will show you why",He said angrily.

I took a deep breath as he grabbed me roughly and dragged me out of the training room as all the girls just stood and watched. I just kept my head down as I felt the sting on my cheek.As I was dragged out of the room however and something shiny caught my eye. I looked up and there was the soldier about to walk in.He was wearing his goggles and mask once more however deep inside i could read softly his emotions as I was looking at him helplessly.He didn't look too pleased.

I could now feel the bruises on my shoulders the guard was holding me so roughly and he threw me into one of the vacant room for my punishment.I hit my back on the solid wall which already made my back ache.He then shut the door and marched back over to me which i just about sat back up and he punched me hard in face drawing blood.

"Don't you ever disrespect me like that ever again",He shouted and then he kicked me in the ribs so hard i could barely breathe.I was lay in the floor in pain waiting for whatever was about to happen next but nothing happened.Instead when I looked up, the soldier was stood at the door frame and staring right into the guards soul as he looked petrified.

"Get out",James growled.

"Sorry sir, but I think she should be punished for assaulting me",He replied trying to impress him. No I fucking didn't.

"I'll handle it",He growled again.

"As you wish",The guard replied, He gave one last look at me spitting and then exiting quickly.As soon as the guard left I let out a sigh of relief and lay painfully onto my back and suddenly coughed up blood holding my side.

James then turned and locked the door making sure no one could see inside.I was hoping to get James and not the soldier.He quickly walked up to me just taking off his goggles and squatting down helping me up.

"You alright doll?", he asked.

"Mhm",I let out quietly.

"I'm going to kill him",He said brushing his hand over my face. Without even realising however I slightly leant into his hand.

"That won't end well for you", Trying to laugh off the pain i was feeling.

"Did you actually assault him?",James curied.

"No, I didn't,"I responded angrily.

"I didn't think so, doll"He said, but then shortly added "We should probably go now, they're expecting me".

"Yes, alright"I replied.

"You up to fight again?"He asked.

"Always",I responded with a playful smirk.

He then put his goggles back on and held my shoulder which I flinched to.

"Sorry doll",He replied, "I don't have a choice."

"I know,"I said, and he nodded. We then made our way back to the training room.


Thank you for reading :)

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