Present day

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Natasha's pov

It was an ordinary day in the avengers facility, I had just finished off some paperwork when I heard Steve and Sam come from a mission they were assigned to, however as I was walking towards the living room from a floor above I heard someone else...someone familiar.

Glancing down I saw a man with long brown hair from what I could see from above.I was watching his movement to read any emotion, but I couldn't.He stood like a statue, like a soldier.I analysed his features even more when something shiny caught my eye, my eye focused on it, until he suddenly looked up and I got the image of his face from a second of looking at him, until i quickly hid away out of his sight.

He had dazzling blue eyes however that was softened down by the pink of his lips.Why did he look so familiar.But then it hit me.Surely not.I'm just seeing things, I convince myself.That was so many years ago when I lost...him.

I had to find out who he was, but I couldn't, because if it isn't who I think it is, it's just going to be a disappointment.Taking a deep breath I convinced myself just to at least get to know what had happened.

I started making my way downstairs anxiously and into the living room. Then my heart stopped in my chest.Before I even got the chance to say anything as they saw me enter, waves of emotions flushed through me and i didn't no whether to break down into his arms, or become furious that he never tried to find me again.It was him, James.

"Nat?"Steve broke me out of trance.

"Y-yes"I replied anxiously.

"You alright?"

"Mhm"I said, trying to look somewhere else but my eyes fixated on him.He looked back with confusion, like he didn't know who I was.

"Don't worry, Bucky won't hurt you".Steve laughed at my reaction.He never knew about mine and James' past. No one did.

"Bucky?"I replied.

"My friend, remember I used to talk about Bucky, Bucky Barnes, he's alive",Steve said, amazed.

"Oh yes"I replied trying to act like i remembered.But Barnes...James Barnes, it was him.

"H-how is he alive?"I questioned even though I already knew the answer, but I thought he was dead....after all these years.

"He had the super soldier serum, just like us."Steve said.

"Where did you find him?....a-and how is he here?"I asked.

"When we found him, he acted like he never knew me..."Steve said.I took a sharp breath.

"...until he nearly killed me...and then he remembered me".Steve said looking at Bucky as I looked at Steve's face, not even noticing the slight bruising.

"S-so, he came with you?"I asked.

"He had nowhere else to go, and we're trying to get his memory back".He replied.

Steve then realised how Bucky was staring at me and said "Buck this is Natasha, she's our friend,"He said.

"...Do i know you?"James finally spoke with the same confused look on his face.

My heart was beating so loud in my chest, I'm surprised no one didn't heard it.

"Ugh n-no"I lied trying to laugh it off. I didn't want him to be even more confused than he already was.I had move on after him, but I could barely live without him.But now he's here....and I don't know what to do.

I looked back to James' reaction, but his expression was still the same.I know he will eventually remember me if we're living with him.It's just the matter of when.And how.

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