His eyes

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I looked into her eyes fearlessly, now i can show what i can do, or what i want to do.I kicked at her knee which made her double up and then i got multiple clean hits to her face.I could easily and effortlessly kill her right now if i wanted to and i think everyone knows that even including the soldier.

But i hesitated for a split second and i let her hit me, however it was a lot stronger than i expected and it made me back away from her a bit.But then she took the opportunity that she had and took it, i looked away for a split second at the soldier and when i looked back she kicked me in the ankle grabbing me and pinning me to the ground roughly i struggled for a bit as she hit my face however i then got my chance to wrap my legs around her torso and flipping us around.

I had her pinned and i continued punching her in the face but not hard punches, like i said i always hold back.The blood began to smear on my knuckles and her face was beaten up bad.However she swung back again unexpectedly and hit me cleanly in the face making me zone out for a moment so then she pinned me down again, she was urging to punch me again and that's when the soldier signalled to stop, i looked up at the girls looking at me in disgust and then the soldiers gaze was also on me however she still punched me making my head fall back down.

"I said stop"The soldier commanded, i could tell he had a slight change in tone that was so minimal but so obvious to me.I got back up with only a few cuts and bruises that i can handle.

The soldier dismissed us and we went back to the showers to freshen up.As soon as we got in there two of the girls already commented on me as i'd hurt their friend, and when I walked towards a shower they pushed my roughly against the solid wall and hit me in the face.

This has occurred many times before, but i don't say anything because it will make me seem weak and there's no need if it's only a couple of hits, i don't want to bother with the drama.But when they hit me again which busted my lip, it started to bleed.

They were saying things about how i looked and acted but i don't care, if it makes them feel better, then good because i haven't felt anything in a long time other than physical pain.

They then laughed and walked out, I walked back up to the mirror and it looked quite bad as it was bleeding a bit, but it's not too noticeable.

I finished up in the showers and made my way into the changing room to get changed into my dance clothes however as i was about to walk in Madam B said that the soldier wants to see me back into the training room.Why does he want to see me?I thought, but i didn't question and just agreed.

As I was walking back over there my heart was beating so loudly i'm surprised nobody heard it.I turned around another corner and there it was, the training room.I slowly walked over and was about to anxiously knock on however he opened it before I even got the chance.

He still had his full gear still on and i didn't dare to look into his eyes.I walked in front of him as he closed the door behind me and i stood in the room waiting for whatever he was about to say.

But before he did he took his goggles off and i firstly got a chance to see what he looked like.When i first looked into his eyes i could barely stop, it was like i was hypnotised.They were a bright deep blue and this was the first real emotion i could read of him.His eyes were full of death and horror, i felt the coldness behind them and it's like when you see something that is horrible to look at but it's your conscience that makes you look back and you can't tear your eyes off them.

It was his voice that took me out of the trance and made me come back to reality a bit.

"Your lip is bleeding,"He said emotionlessly.

I gulped and nodded my head, lost in what to say.

"Who did that to you?"He persisted. He seemed oddly intrigued.

"It's from the fight sir,"I lied.

He just barely nodded his head, i could tell he didn't believe me.

"That's what I want to talk to you about....you hold back"He said hoarsely.

I just looked down not knowing what to say.

"Natalie, I just want to let you know that you don't have to"He continued in the same emotionless manner.

"Yes sir"I replied, I think I'm taking this pretty well compared to what I thought, however the problem is I don't know how to not hold back.

"You can go now"He ordered.

I nodded my head but I took one last glance at his piercing eyes and long brunette hair and walked away back to the changing room.

I got changed into my leotard and headed to the dance hall, however whilst doing so i had a slight limp as my ankle still hurt.

When i walked in all the girls looked at me strangely as i sat down not too close to them and joined in with the stretches.

-An hour later-

We finished up dance and made our way to the food hall and we had our usual bland and horrible food that we didn't have a choice other than to eat it.However as everyone watched over us i noticed the winter soldier stood there again masked up with his goggles standing as still as a metal statue.However this didn't stop the girls from talking a lot as i sat at a distance per usual.

A few minutes later we finished up and then went outside into the cold russian snow to practise our knife throwing, i would say this is probably one of my weaknesses because when i throw it, it always hits the targets however it's not quick and powerful enough as it can or should be.

We walked outside into the bitter russian snow and we only had a t-shirt and shorts on however it has been worse before. We lined up and had our knives next to us on a small table and the target in front of us, but before we even started i just realised who was training us.It was the soldier again or i heard some discuss his name as the winter soldier.


Thank you for reading :)

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