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The winter soldier commanded us to start, so i picked up my first knife.I took my aim and threw it as well as i could, i would say it was a pretty average throw.But average is not enough.

I threw a few more until i caught on that the soldier was watching everyone on how well they were doing.Eventually he came to me as i was at the end of the row, however unlike the other girls when he only watched them, for me just before i was about to throw my knife, he reached for my arm. This made me tense up a bit as i felt something inside me, but i don't know what, it was a strange feeling.One that i've never felt before.It was as if i was melting in the freezing snow.

I came out of my trance for a split second as he had already readied my aim and was waiting for me to throw.I took a deep breath and held my hand steady, i quickly and forcefully threw the knife and it was perfect right in the centre, i think even a small smile came across my face.

"Good"He said blankly and walked away.

After a few more better throws it was getting later on and we headed back inside slightly warmer and for our last meal of the day.Afterwards we went to our bedrooms and I quickly entered my very thin bed sheets, but it gave me some comfort and warmth even with a very solid pillow however the more you lie on it the more comfortable it gets, if that's the right word for it.

Madame B came round one by one locking our handcuffs again to our bed.When i was little we never used to do this however one girl tried to escape at night and they didn't want anyone to even think about doing that again, but there's always hope, i just need the right timing.

I shut my eyes from a long and tiring day and i slowly went to sleep.


I was woken to loud and painful screaming.It echoed through the corridors as if it sounded a mile away.I'm confused to who this could be and why they are torturing him, but whatever they're doing it doesn't sound nice.

Another secret i have is that i have a key for my handcuffs.Nobody knows that i have it, i've never used it before, but i have it.I've not really had the use for it, until maybe now. Maybe i can find out to where these screams are coming from, and who their coming from, i guess i'll just have to find out, to see if they continue tomorrow night or if i was too late.


Before i knew it i had fallen back asleep and woke to a very bright light coming through the window and Madame B waking us up to another hellish day ahead.Only three more days until the final fight.To see who's carries on in the program.

Once again we woke up getting changed to go to our bland breakfast and whilst having it, i noticed something different, the difference of the soldier not standing next to us.I thought nothing off it thinking he's probably already at the training room, as that's where we were off to next.

As we entered the room he seemed zoned out as we entered whereas still wearing his goggles and mask, usually he turns his head a bit, but it was kept straight.After a few more seconds of silence, he moved his head and spoke plainly saying "Once again you will fight each other and show me how much you have improved".

Yesterday, we last fought yesterday, the last time that happened someone died as they were hurt pretty bad from the day before.Maybe it will be the same today.

Once again he read out our opponents and this time he had changed it around a bit, these pairings didn't seem very fair.Maybe he wanted some people to surprise him.

There had already been two fights before mine and both of them all the girls who took part both sides were beaten up badly, in some cases severely.This didn't look good for anyone at this moment in time as the girl who i fought last time was left, and two probably of the weakest who had picked up the most injuries were there aswell.

He read out the strongest girl and the weakest girl.This is not going to end well.He knows what he's doing, he's trying to get rid of the weakest ones so at the end we will have to fight against only the strongest, so it's fair.I guess.

The fight started and before we even knew it Anastasia (the weakest) had blood falling down her lip and was stumbling all over the place.Everything Anastasia tried to do was caught by Katina (the strongest) or was very weak, so she wasn't even bruising.

Suddenly everything had gone 0 to 100 and Katina had a choke hold on Anastasia, i saw the suffering on her face as if it was her last seconds on earth.I was certain at any moment the soldier would stop the fight before it was to late.Even Katina looked over to him and he nodded his head, but it wasn't for her to live, it was for her to die.

The crunching sound was very loud to the deadly silence that was left after.Everyone, or whoever wasn't injured enough to stay was in shock including me.I don't know why it was such a big shock, as everyone in this room had killed before.

Now it was my turn i didn't know how to compete after what i had just seen, but before i even realised the girl who i was meant to fight ran away,  this wasn't looking too good for me.

I looked back at Katina's face and she had that smirk still on her face.But what i was more concerned about was, who am i going to fight?

I looked for confirmation from the soldier however Katina had just killed someone therefore, she had a motive with adrenaline and greed running through her veins, she wanted more and especially seeing me made that increase higher.

"I will fight snowflake"Katina said with a smirk as she saw me alone and was hoping to impress the soldier.(She calls me snowflake as my skin is noticeably paler to everyone else's.)

I looked over to him and he hesitated for a split second but nodded his head at me.By then Anastasia's body had been removed and i made my way next to Katina showing no fear.

We got our fists ready and the fight started.

I started with a punch unexpectedly to her face but because of the adrenaline in her she caught it and swiftly pinned it to my back with force, i let out a quiet hum in pain but i managed to kick her in the ankle letting go of her grip and i turned away and clattered her in the face, but she wasn't affected instead just straight ran at me and i didn't know what to do, she grabbed hold of me attempting to firstly pin her down, but i managed to use all my strength and pinned her down instead.I got a punch to her but she kicked me in my rib so hard i forgot how to breath.

She took that opportunity to wrap her legs around me and pinning me down once more.I saw her face full of death, i knew i was going to lose.But i wasn't sure whether it would be this round...or my life.


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