I need you

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"....Only Steve knows that name",He continued.

Wiping my cheek that was dripping with blood, I looked at the floor.

"We know each other, don't we."He said.

I looked at him directly in the eyes but then I had to look away.I shook my head and turned back around.

"Let me, at least help you".He asked, seeing me in pain.

Following me, I walked up to my bathroom, that's where i go if i'm even injured-not to the actual infirmary we have.

Before we entered my room he stood by the door.

"You can come in".I laughed.

"Thanks".He said with a soft smile.

We entered the bathroom and I sat down on a chair.

"What happened?"He asked again.

"...Someone shot out my tyres....i managed to pull myself out, but then my car exploded".I said lifting up my shirt to show the cut on my stomach.

"Why didn't you call anyone?".He said annoyed.

"I don't need anyone's help".I replied.

"Then why do you need me?"He stated.

The room fell silent.

"...You were the one who wanted to help".I replied.

His hand cupped my cheek.

"...So help".My breath hitched.

He started cleaning the cut on my cheek.I felt all the memories come pouring back.

We just stared into each other's eyes.


The front door suddenly opened and we split apart.

"We need to let them know you're here".He gulped.

I nodded my head in return.

Limping downstairs James followed behind me.

"Nat."Clint shouted, bringing me into a tight hug.I winced in pain.

"What happened?"He quickly stated, then looking at Bucky.

"I-i just crashed my car".I replied not wanting to tell him the whole truth.

"Why didn't you want us to help, we were worried".Clint shouted.

"I was basically around the corner".I said.

"Hmm, okay".He replied looking over to Bucky again.

"He didn't do anything",I replied, looking at Bucky.

Clint nodded his head.

-Later that night-

Bucky's POV

I couldn't sleep, all i could think of was Natasha...Natalia.I knew her.We were together...in the red room...I was her trainer.

I needed to tell her....How i feel.

Getting up I brushed my hand through my hair, I walked down the corridor and Natalie's room was just to the left.

I stood outside her room for around a minute, and then walked away.I couldn't bring myself to do it, not now.

Nat's POV

-The next day-

I got up painfully, most of my cuts had already healed as I still have super soldier serum still inside me, but that doesn't change how much it hurts.

Limping downstairs everyone was pretty much down there.

Steve had made some pancakes that everyone's eating.

I sat next to Clint and I noticed someone was looking at me.Soon realising that it was James.I looked back watching him as we were just staring at each other, that was until Tony stated.

"Get a room guys"Whilst looking at me and Barnes.

"Who?"Clint asked.

I gave Tony an evil glare.

"Nat and-"He stopped there.

"Nat who?"Clint persisted.

"No one".I sighed, getting up and walking away.

However as I did I heard Steve shouting.

When I came back James was staring at Tony, slowly moving towards him.

"Bucky no",He stated but it was no use.

He suddenly started going up to Tony, but Steve cut in however he threw him straight to the ground.Everyone was scared of James so all they did was watch.

But I wasn't scared of him.

I threw my body in front of Tony taking the blow, which made him even angrier.He threw me across the room instead and directly on my wound, and then marched over after me.

He towered over me and was about to hit me until I pulled my gun out, everyone was relieved, however, they weren't expecting this.

I turned the gun around so it pointed at me and he firmly gripped the gun so it pressed into my forehead.

"Nat what are you doing?"Clint shouted as everyone got up to try and stop him.As in the pull of a trigger I could be dead.But I took that risk.

"No, just wait"I stuttered.

I looked at him directly in the eyes.Everyone thought he was going to pull the trigger,as he tensed his hand on the gun, but his expression changed, his face was full of guilt at what he nearly did.I had brought him back, again.

He quickly got up, dropped the gun slightly shaking and walked out to his room.

"So, what just happened?",Tony said exhausted.

I got up from the floor, wiping my forehead replying "He remembered me".I said looking at the ground.

"Remember?, so you knew each other before?"Tony asked.

I just turned and walked away.

-A few hours later-

I heard a knock on the door.

"Who is it? I said through my consumption of alcohol.

"Firstly, I-i'm sorry".

It was James.

I watched him carefully walk into my room and sit next to me.

"....Natalia",He said softly.

Looking into his eyes, my breath hitched.

"I knew you, I-i loved you....",He said with a small smile that faded away.

"....You're the one who keeps me sane".He stuttered.

Giving him a small smile, I felt tears building up in my eyes.

"I know you probably don't want me anymore, but i think i need you".He said barely audibly.

"And i thought you were dead".I choked on my tears.

"I'm sorry I didn't try to find you, they made me forget",He said looking away.

"I know",I said, trying to hide tears.

"I-i should probably go now", he said softly, with his head hung.

He made his way to my door, but I couldn't take it anymore.

"....James, I need you too",I replied quietly.

He turned back around.


Thank you for reading :)

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