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Bucky's POV

Considering me and Natasha have got back together, she feels distant, it doesn't feel the same.

I don't want to question her, but it's been almost two weeks.

She goes on missions more regularly, not big ones.We don't hang out as often as I would like, but it's something.

Nat was planning a mission as I walked up to her.

"Do you want to watch a movie tonight?"I suggested.

She sighed looking up to me, "I'm sorry Barnes but I need to work".

"Tasha, please don't work too hard.....this is the 3rd one in two weeks".

"I know...I know, this is the last one, I promise",She said, kissing my cheek and looking straight back at her work.

"Ok",I nodded, rubbing her back and walking away.

-A few days later-

Nat's POV

Two down, three to go.

I swiftly made my way through the big warehouse, I had to take out another one of S.H.I.E.L.D.S enemies.

Taking down one more of the heavily armed guards, without him realising, I searched for my final two victims.

It was now nearly 5 minutes and i couldn't find them anywhere.That was until i smelt something around me.Gasoline.

Sprinting towards the nearest exit I could find, which was unfortunately a window, on the third floor.

I smashed it out and used my grapple to safely get down to the ground.But the explosion was too big.

It wiped out the grappler with me alongside it as I watched the warehouse burst up in flames. Hitting the ground with a thud.

My vision went blurry and black dots started to invade my eyes, I tried to get up and complete my mission, but the impact was too heavy.I blacked out....

Bucky's POV

It's been nearly two weeks since Natasha went on her mission, this mission was meant to last merely a week.I know fury isn't going to tell us what's happening, but everyone is worried.

We tried contacting her, but were getting no replies.Something bad must have happened.And i've barely slept all week thinking about it.

Nat's POV

I woke up to bright lights staring at me from above.I tried to get up and move, but I couldn't...I couldn't move.

Coming to my senses I realised I was tied to a chair in the middle of a room.My body hurt all over.

"I was wondering when you were going to wake up."

I squinted my eyes trying to make out the figure in front of me.

"A-alexi?",I stuttered.

"Did you miss me?"He said slowly, coming up to me.

He put his hands on my cheeks, but I couldn't do anything about it.

"No".I stated harshly.

His expression changed and he hit me across my face.

It made blood form in my mouth.

So it spat it back at him.

His face was full of anguish as he slowly wiped the blood off his left cheek.

"You're going to wish you never did that.",He replied walking away.

But he was the one who made a mistake. He didn't tie my legs.

There was a guard in the room, maybe I could try and seduce him.

He was watching my every move so I thought I could try and bring him closer.

I gave him my sexy black widow smirk but it just made him angry, angry enough to become close enough to me.

"You don't want to let me out?",I said innocently.

"Shut up",He replied, putting his gun to the side and threatening a knife towards me.

In a matter of seconds I kicked the knife out of his hand and tried to catch it with one of my tied down hands.But I dropped it.Shit.

The guy pulled his gun at me but I moved my chair onto his leg so he dropped it.Swinging my legs around him, I fell so the chair broke perfectly.I got my hands free and quickly went towards the gun before him.

I got it but as I did Alexi burst through the door also with a gun.

Quickly I put the gun to the guards head as leverage.

"Well this is awkward",I smirked.

"You're good, I'll give you that",Alexi remarked, pointing his gun at me.

"If you take a step closer I'll shoot him",I warned.

"Do you really think I care?"He said, shooting the guard straight in the head, straight onto me.

"Shit",I cursed as I watched the guards blood mix with mine,luckily this time it didn't hit anything major.

"I told you you'd regret it.",He chuckled.

I pointed my gun straight back at him.

"I thought you would've learned since the last time I shot you".

My body started to weaken as blood poured out of me.

"Apparently not".

He started slowly walking towards me.

So I pulled the trigger.

The gun.Jammed.

"Haha, that's unlucky".He remarked.

"Fuck you".I replied throwing the gun to the floor in frustration.

He was now walking towards me.

"Drop the knife",He replied.

I dropped the knife, he knows me too well.

My hands were now fixated on my wound.

Barnes, where are you now?

He dragged me through some corridors painfully until we reached one particular room.

It had a big machine in it.

"No",I whispered to myself.

"Please don't do this",I said, trying to retaliate but I was too weak.

I was now strapped onto a metal chair.

"You work for me now".

They're going to brainwash me.


Thank you for reading :)

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