04 | drives and dates

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Saturday is here. After having another all-nighter under my belt, I should feel sleepy. However, my anxiety overrules my desire to sleep. I did want this date to be perfect, so this would just have to be one of the drawbacks. I just hope Camille doesn't see through my tired eyes, I know women can be observant like that. Speaking of her, I hope she comes soon. Standing in front of the cinema kinda makes me feel stupid. Luckily it's only been about seven minutes.

 I tried to find the best clothes I can muster. My closet is extremely dry but I found something decent. I have to remember to go shopping one of these days, but I don't know when I'll get the money for that.

 Enough of that, I am just hoping that she just arrives before the movie starts. We agreed that we would meet at 2 pm, so we'll have enough time to get our snacks and stuff. The movie starts at 2:30 and it's currently 2:10. Granted, I already got the tickets ahead of time (I look into the future like that), so we don't have to stress about being on a line.

Taking my phone out of my pocket, I remembered her telling me that she might be late. I just brushed it off, because Camille is actually a very punctual person. I load up a game to pass the time. Just when I was about to get seriously into it, I felt a tap on my shoulder. Turning around to see who it is, my eyes widen in shock. Not because of who it was, but how good she looked in that split second. 

She curled her hair and was wearing a white and blue polka dot dress that barely reaches her knees. To top the outfit, she was wearing white and gold sandals with a silver ring on her left pinky finger. When I turned around and she flashed her smile, I almost fell over my own foot. My brain couldn't handle the beauty it was witnessing in real-time. Fortunately, I have a good sense of balance. 

"Hey, Lonzo. Did I keep you waiting long?" Camille ask.

"No, not really. Just been here for a few minutes," I reply keeping my voice as normal as possible. I can't let her see the effect she has on me.

"Okay, sorry once again." After that statement, her eyes widen. Doesn't our movie start in like fifteen minutes? We have to get our snacks and stuff and be prepared. Let's go!" She grabs my arm and leads us into the theatre. Once inside,  she guides me to the snacks line. Only a couple of people are ahead of us, so we should make it to our seats before the movie starts.

"I really hope we make it in time, I really hate missing the beginning of movies," Camille explains.

"I'm pretty sure we're going to be just fine, we have like twelve minutes left."

"Yeah, but what if the workers mess up these guys' orders and we have to wait for twelve minutes?

"That seems way too specific," I laugh it off. "You're just overthinking things." She looks up at me and pouts. That might just be the cutest thing I've seen her done. During this entire exchange, not once did she let go of my arm. It's probably because I'm six foot. 

 That only could be the reason.

We order our food and with five minutes to spare, we head to our seats. Our seats were situated closer to the back of the theatre than the middle. It's also known as the best seats apparently (yes I did my research). Looking on my right side, I am just now realizing what Camille ordered. She got a medium-sized popcorn, medium-sized root beer, and some nachos I got for her. I'm trying to figure out where a pretty girl like her stores it all. The movie is two hours long, so I guess that's a reason to get a lot of food. 

"You do realize we're going out for dinner after this right?" I jokingly ask her. Compared to my small popcorn and water, her food makes mine minuscule. I said the question as a joke, but the ice-cold glare I get in return, made me realize she took a page out of Michael Jordan's book. She took it personally.

"Are you body-shaming me, Lonzo?" She asked in return, raising her left eyebrow. 

What? How did she jump to that conclusion from that one question? I was just questioning whether or not she'll eat for our dinner. And how am I body-shaming her? She has a good body, and she plays volleyball basically all week. Girls are just weird. That may be the case, but we can't live without them. So, I must save myself from this situation.

"No, no of course not. I just was wondering if you would have enough space for our dinner. The place I'm taking you has amazing dessert," I try to save myself from falling even more out of her grace.

"Hmph," she replies while pouting her face. She adds, "Well I'll forgive you if you buy me dessert.  There's a hint of a smile on her face. Of course, I'll have to oblige.

"Yeah sure, I'll get you some." After hearing that, her face lights up and she hugs my arm. After that, she leans closer to my cheek.

"You're the best," she whispers. Instantly, and I mean instantly, goosebumps form all over me. I'm wearing a long sleeve shirt, so she can't see them. After a few seconds, she releases my arm and settles back into her seat. I can't understand this feeling, it's novel to me. Whatever it is, I can get used to this. Even though I'm spending more money than I intended to, that experience just now made it worth it. 

She turns again and makes a 'shh' sound with her mouth and covers her mouth with her index finger. As she does the traditional 'be quiet' motion, there is a small smile dancing on her lips. At that moment, I just realized how beautiful she is. I'm so lucky that she said yes to this date if you can even call it that. The movie starts and everyone becomes silent. It's a thriller with some comedy mixed in. I learned a lot about Camille, by just watching this movie. Her laugh is contagious, you can't help but laugh when she does. Also, she gets scared quite easily. She tugged on my arm frequently, when the suspense was too much for her to bear. I wish we can stay like this forever. I don't even want to go to dinner anymore. Right here, right now it's perfect.

A/N sorry for taking such a hiatus for so long. But I'm going to update more frequently now. Hope you enjoyed the chapter, make sure to vote, share and comment, please.  

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