05 | dinner and discussions

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 The movie ends about two hours later. My legs are cramped for sitting too long, but that's fine. Camille devoured her food within the first half-hour of the film.  I tried to drag out my small soda for as long as I can. Overall though, I would say that the movie was a success. I really enjoyed it and Camille too, based on her expression. As we are walking out, she lets out a small squeal and brings her fists to her chest. 

"I really enjoyed the movie," she says while beaming at me. "It had a bit of everything I like and it was hilarious." 

"I agree with you, the protagonist was really enjoyable," I reply without facing her and kept on moving. I already told her that the place I was going to take her was relatively close to the movie theater, so we could walk there. It'll take about ten minutes. 

"So Lonzo, where exactly are you taking me?" It's a good thing she decided to wear sandals. If she chose to wear heels, I'm sure her ankles were going to cry out in pain by now. 

"I take it that you never went to The Flying Ship before?" 

"No, I have never been there before. Is it any good, like the food and stuff?"

"Based on the reviews it has gotten, it's a well-liked place. Also, as I told you, their desserts are delicious. "

"You're still getting me dessert right?" This girl simply does not forget anything.

"Yes, I'm going to buy you dessert. I did say that after all."

"Okay, good I was just checking."  For a brief moment, we walk in silence. I take the time to bask in the wonderful day we have had so far. Never in my short life on this planet did I thought she was going to accompany me today. 

She has the looks, the brains, and everything else you would need in a woman. Then there's me. The only thing I got going for me is being six feet tall. I don't work out constantly, but I'm not fat. My wardrobe ain't that well-stocked also. I don't have all the fancy name brands, apart from a few shirts. I have one pair of Nike's, that's it. Hardly any money in my bank account to boot.

 I could go on for days, but that's not the point. The point is, Camille, took time out of her day to spend it with me. So much better guys out here to be with, but she's here. She is way beyond my league, and I'll have to treasure this moment.

"So you have any plans for college Camille?" I ask, the thought just coming to mind. It's hard to believe that'll we be graduating high school in a few months. These years went by in a blur.

"Hmm, I really don't know yet Lonzo," Camille begins. "We don't have to start applying until late November, and it's only the first week in October. You'll just have to ask me next month. What about you Lo?" I should have expected the question, but I did not. I scratch my head as I answer,

"Um, I'm in the same boat as you. I have some schools in mind, but I don't know yet." 

"Okay that's cool, well let me know, okay?" 

"Yeah, totally." Wait for one second. Why does she want to know where I'm going? Does she want to go there too? Does she want to attend the same college as me? Bro, you need to calm down. I almost slap myself forgetting that deep into the question. I guess I really couldn't help it. Before I know it, we were at the restaurant. Camille gasps as she took in the exterior.

"Is there where we are eating?"

"Yep, sure are," I simply reply. Her reaction is warranted, it's a nice cozy restaurant. It's a two-story building with exquisite windows, that have flashing golden lights around them. A sleek black paints the walls, with a huge sign right above the door to enter. It reads "Welcome back!" I'm pretty sure after today, I will be coming back.

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