07 | school and sighs

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It's been three days since I had the best day of my life. Even now, it's Tuesday, and it's still on my mind. I keep reflecting on what Tay told me that night. I should man up and ask her out before it's too late. Camille is one of the popular girls in school. She's smart, sporty, and beautiful? That's what most guys look for. So, I can't possibly be the only guy who likes her. It doesn't help that she's friendly, her smile draws in so many people into her life. You can always see her talking to someone new or helping others. What a kind soul she truly has.

On this Tuesday morning, I'm walking to school by myself. After realizing that I totally forgot to do my literature homework, I have to walk even faster. The wind slapping me as if to remind me how stupid I can be at times. Now, as I walk, I look like one of those brisk walkers you can see at the park. As I'm rushing to school, I notice a pair of my classmates on the other side of the road. It's a guy from my homeroom, Jeffrey, and a girl I'm acquainted with, Sarah. I normally don't like looking at people for long, but this morning can be an exception. I slowed down my pace, and observe. Sarah is giggling as Jeffrey continues to talk animately, hand movements and all. I'm guessing he's telling her a funny story. That's when I realized he's only using one hand to talk. Upon further inspection, he's holding Sarah's hand.

This is an unexpected analysis. Now that I think about it, it's really not. I see them around school a lot, ever since the start of senior year. They always had a good vibe about them, and I guess Jefferey didn't waste any time. He felt the vibe they had and gone for the layup. Of course, he used backboard, so his shot definitely went in. Jeff is a good-looking dude with a nice personality and cool fashion sense. It helps that he's one of the funniest guys in our grade. I see why Sarah fell for him. They will definitely become a power couple shortly. Jeff with his brown curly hair and Sarah with her sleek hair that is darker than ink. Both have brown eyes that look interested in the world. I'm happy for them, they're good people. Hopefully, one day I'll have that. You could have that if you just don't be a wimp and ask her out. I can hear Taylor right now saying that. Afterward, he would slap me on my neck for whatever reason. Instinctively, I rub the back of my neck. He really does that too much. Still, he's my best bud and I appreciate him very much. Chuckling and smiling to myself, I walk past the lovely couple. It seems that Jeff noticed me because he looks in my direction as I was walking.

"Yo Alonzo, good morning!" Jeff says from the other sidewalk. I look back to see him, smiling while saluting me.

"Hey Jeff, good morning," I do the greeting back. "You too Sarah, good morning," I acknowledge her. It would be rude to keep her out of the conversation like that.

"Yeah, good morning," she replies with a small smile.

"Congrats you two, I didn't know you were dating," I say to the couple with a smile. Sarah looks down smiling, and Jeff is beaming like no tomorrow. I noticed that they began to hold their hands tighter.

"Thanks, bro, it means a lot. I finally ask the question on Sunday and she said yes," Jeff explains the situation. He lets go of her hand to hug her around the shoulders. "You don't know how ecstatic I was." Sarah lifts her hand and squeezes his forearm. Jefferey, why you had to do that man? I am happy for the dude, I really am. However, when they do things like that, a pang of pure, unadulterated pain makes its way to my heart. That may be the case, but I mask the feeling and continue to smile.

"You look great together, honestly," I respond turning my heels. "Well, see you in homeroom Jeff," I look to dismiss myself.

"Wait, Alonzo," Jeff says. I stop mid-turn and look back at him and raise an eyebrow.

"Did you do the Lit homework?" He asks with the straightest face known to man.

"Of course not," I reply matching his look. His face softens and he breathes a sigh of relief.

"Great, so at homeroom, we're gonna do it as usual?" He asks with a mischievous grin. Jeff already knows the answer.

"You don't even have to ask," I answer his question with a grin. Sarah looks at us, with confusion in her eyes. When the realization hits her that we're going to speed through a literature paper, she elbows her man in the stomach. I felt it from here and it was enough for Jeff to loosen his grip on her. She turns around to glare at Jeff, before turning to face me again.

"Alonzo, I didn't know he had work to do last night. If I had known, he would have done it instead of playing Call of Duty," she says with an icy tone. Oh boy, I feel bad for Jeff right now.

"But I was talking to you on the phone as well-" Jeff tries to protest. The look she gave him made me shut up and I wasn't even talking. He stopped talking because he realized that he was going to lose this impromptu argument. Technically, it was his fault for bringing up the topic.

"You're right, I am part of the reason too. Don't worry, that'll change quickly. Anyway, Alonzo, I'll make sure this won't happen again. It's our last year and we need to focus on our studies. It really is 'make it or break it' this year. I can't have Jeff not do his work, so I must break up this little alliance you two have. Today will be the last day it'll happen," Sarah states with a tone that makes her sound like a principal. I get what she saying, and Jeff is lucky to have a girl who keeps him on the right track like that. As for me, I don't have anyone like that. So, from now on, I have to do my rushed work alone. It's truly a terrible day for rain.

"Yes ma'am, I understand the situation. Good luck Jeff. I'll see you at school guys," I turn to leave again.

"Bye Alonzo, see ya!" Sarah goes back to her usual cheery voice. With that morning dilemma resolved, I continue my walk to school alone. It is looking like one of those days.

A/N: Wow, no Camille this chapter. Don't worry she'll make her reappearance soon. I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter. If you did, please comment, vote and share, please. See you in the next one.


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