28 | lives and libraries

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Everything on my body hurts. Yesterday was something else. With confidence, I can say that my muscles were not amused by what I forced them to do. The sweat I produced was enough to fill a gallon container. Honestly believed that I was going to die. Taylor is a madman, and I am his puppet. Now I'm sorer than a girl after her debut on CastingCouch.

He says it's worth it, it better be.

I woke up before my alarm went off so I'm just lying in bed reflecting on my recent experiences. That girl yesterday, what was her name again? Amanda, right. She was a character to say at least. Our interaction was so random.

I'm debating whether to sleep in and forget that school exists or actually put in the effort to excel in life. As seconds go by, I'm moving towards the sleeping-in aspect of the question. Then, my phone goes off.

"Hey Alonzo, it's me, Amanda :)"

Oh shit. Immediately, I sit up in my bed. Her last words replay in my mind.

"I remembered yours too," is what she said. I guess she wasn't lying. For some reason, my heart begins beating rapidly.

Am I getting nervous because of a text?

I choose to ignore the accelerated heartbeat and try my best to not overthink this. I send a simple 'Hey' and hop into the shower, preparing to get ready and give my muscles a soothing wash.

About 10 minutes later, I come out of the shower looking like a model from Vogue. My curls look their best when they are wet and right now, they are immaculate. Taylor taught me how to manage them to look better and so far, it's working. They're hanging right above my eyebrows now. But shrinkage is a thing, unfortunately. I check my phone and it turns out that she responded almost immediately when I sent the first one.

"Do you wanna spend some time with me later today?"

Oh. That's bold. "How come if I may ask?" It's not like I'm not excited about the offer, I'm just flabbergasted about it.

"Cuz, I want to know you better, silly" she texts back with three laughing emojis. I crack a smile and just when I'm about to send a text, my phone goes off again.

"Meet me afterschool by the bleachers,"

Oh, word? Say less.

I respond to her text and finish getting ready for school. Twenty-five minutes later, half of that time was me trying to get my skinny black joggers on. I head to school. My legs still ache from yesterday, but according to Taylor, 'it's that good soreness.'

My first class of the day is Economics and he's giving us a huge test that he told us about a week in advance. I was studying when that happened, and all of my self-discipline evaporated. That may be the case, but I pushed forward and studied anyway with the time I had left.

I walk into the classroom and scan the faces of everyone there. There are the smart kids, who are patiently waiting for the papers to be handed out, the people who didn't study and are currently cramming, and the jocks, who don't care. I sit down in my usual seat and for the first time, I don't feel nervous. My heartbeat is steady, my palms are not sweaty and there is no mom's spaghetti. I got this.

Forty-five minutes pass by, and I hand in my paper fifteen minutes early. It was easy, I guess that is what happens when you study for a test. Even my teacher looked with a shocked face when he realized that it was me turning in the test. I return to my seat and draw in my notebook until the bell rings.

The bell rings and for the first time, I leave the class early. It was only a couple of months ago that I would be stressed wondering what to write on the test. I push through the crowd and make my way to the library because my second class was abruptly canceled, and they couldn't find a sub in time. It's better for me to pick up my old reading habits than do something stupid.

Five minutes later, I arrive at the library. The librarian was shocked to see me but quickly fixed her composure. I go to the fiction section and pick up my favorite book series: Alex Rider. I'm currently on the fourth book, Eagle Strike, and so far, it's my favorite. If these didn't exist, Percy Jackson would be in first. I make my way to my usual spot to read when I spot her.

It was Camille. She was in my spot.

It's almost like she could still sense when I'm nearby. The moment I got into her line of vision she looked up. At first, Camille's face lit up, then turn into a neutral expression. She gestured to come over and that's what I did. When I sat in the chair opposite, she offered me a small smile.

"Hey Alonzo," she greets me warmly. It's been a minute since I last saw her.

"Hey," I respond. I can feel the awkwardness already. Since we're no longer a couple, I don't know what to talk about. I think Camille feels the same way because she's playing with her left thumb. That's something she does when she is unsure of what to do. After a few seconds of sufferable silence, she tries to break the ice.

"How's school coming along?"

"It's going well. I think I did well on my Economics test today."

"That's amazing! I remember how it's one of your least liked subjects."

I let out a chuckle. "Yeah, it was. Turns out, I didn't like it because I was allergic to studying and it was caught in the crossfire." She quietly laughs and the librarian sharply turns her head in our direction. Camille raises the book to her face to avoid her annoyed gaze. I find myself grinning like an idiot looking at her antics. This is one of the reasons why I fell for her too, silly little things she does. After three more seconds, the librarian returns to what she was doing. I signal to Camille that the coast is clear. She rests the book down and smiles.

"That was a close one," she whispers.

"Yeah, we almost got kicked out."

"If we did, it was going to ruin my permanent record," she uses air quotes to mock the saying. It was my turn to quietly laugh, but unlike her, the librarian didn't hear me.

We stay like that for about ten minutes, just talking about random subjects. It was nice, there was no lump in my throat this time. Sure, my heart ached a few times, but it was nothing like the first time we met after the breakup. There were jokes and she even scolded me a little bit. It reminds me of the time before we dated. The period is almost over, and we both have to head to class.

"Bye bye Lonzo, it was nice seeing you again," she waves to me as she gets ready to leave.

"Yeah, I feel the same way." Unexpectedly, she hugs me with so much force I almost couldn't breathe. I instinctively hug her back. She pulls away and smiles, happy with that result I assume. She waves to me one more time and leaves me so I can go to my class.

Well, that was a chill experience. And after school, it's onto something interesting.

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