32 | teasing and types

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Alonzo POV

Amanda is kicking her legs, waiting for a response. I can tell she's genuinely having a good time teasing me like this. I almost fold to the pressure when I remember what Taylor taught me a few days ago.

It was lunchtime, and we got onto the topic of girls, something guys typically do. I forgot what we were ranting about this time, but I remember what Taylor told the group that day.

"Listen, guys," he starts. "If you ever find yourself in a position where a girl is teasing you or playfully pushing you out of your comfort zone, don't fold. Play their game, tease them back and make sure you win. In all good fun, of course. Don't go overboard." He stops and stares at Leo with a grin on his face.

"Shut up," Leo responds.

At first, I didn't take his word as gospel, but now I have to see where it takes me.

"Hmm, let me see," I put my hand on my chin as if I were a philosopher pondering the meaning of my life.

This woman only smirks, "I'm waiting, Alonzo."

"Sure, I may find you attractive. You're cute to me," her face lights up at my words, "but there's more to my type than just looks, Amanda." She gives me a perplexed look.

"Can you please explain further, oh wise one?"

"That I can do, my disciple. I'm saying that my type is so complex that looks are only part of it. Do you think that you can excel in the other departments?" She seemed taken aback by what I said. It looks like I won this round. Yet, from how she's staring at me with a grin, this little game is far from over.

"Oh, I know I can. I'm up for your challenge."

I must say, I admire her confidence.

After that, I ask her questions to see if she is my 'type.' I don't even think I know my type, but she excels in looks. Her looks rival that of Camille's. Soft pink lips and dazzling eyes are my weak points. Wait, I just realized.

Camille is my type. To the letter.

Yet, these two are similar but different in their unique ways. I can't pinpoint their differences now. I just met the girl. But something tells me that soon it'll be a different story.

Our food arrives, and we pause our little game to eat. After a few bites, I must say this is delicious. I don't know if the chef sold his soul because I had never tasted anything like this. These quesadillas are simply divine.

Amanda sneaks glances at me, gauging my reaction to the food. It looks like she's content with how I'm praising the food. For a while, we eat in silence, praising the food.

About 12 minutes later, we're both finishing our food. One thing I noticed about Amanda, she didn't make a sound while eating. I got the vibe that if I interrupted her, I'd get hit with a death stare out of this world.

After taking a sip of her drink, Amanda smiles at me. "How was the food?" she asks.

"It was excellent. Probably the best quesadillas I ever had." Her face lights up, and Becky comes over to collect the dishes. She informs that she'll come back with the check in a few mins. I thank her, and she dismisses herself.

"Alonzo," Amanda says to get my attention.


"I haven't forgotten our game."

"Me neither."

"So," her eyes get serious, yet playful. "After all that, am I your type?" Amanda is staring into my soul as she waits for my answer. "I mean, I already know, but something in me wants to hear it from you."

I see Becky making her way to our table through my periphery, but she stops. Her gaze is toward Amanda's demeanor. Not even Becky can save me from what's about to happen.

I take the last sip of my drink. "Yes, Amanda, you're my type," I concede. Her face lights up, and a smirk forms.

"Thank you, Alonzo. You made my day." She bats her eyes, and something tingles in my spine. Maybe this is what Caulifla felt when she went Super Saiyan for the first time.

Becky arrives with the check, sensing that the tension is over probably. Woman's intuition; it's a dangerous thing. Amanda takes out her purse. I give her a confused look.

"What are you doing?" I ask her. She returns my expression.

"Paying for the meal?"

"But why? I can pay for it." I take out my wallet to grab my card when Amanda's expression changes again. This time, her eyes are deadly serious.

"No, it's fine. I invited you out, so I'll pay. Don't fight me on this, Alonzo."

I did not fight her on the matter. Although the man in me cried out in agony, I knew better than to object again. She reverts to her light-hearted and playful demeanor. What is with me and attracting women with multiple personalities? Though, I kind of like that.

We exchange pleasantries with Becky and leave the restaurant.

"Boy did that food taste good," Amanda exclaims while stretching her arms.

"Yeah, honestly. Thanks for inviting me."

"You're absolutely welcome."

"So, what do we do now?"

"We are going to head back to school to get my car."

"Wait, you had a car?"

"That is correct, sir."

"So, why we didn't just-"

"Don't question my judgment, Alonzo."

And that was that. We make our way back to school, and her car is there. It's a modest Subaru car. I think the type is called Impreza. I ask Amanda to confirm.

"Yeah, it's an old Impreza," she says while fastening her seat belt. "I'm surprised that you know about cars." That's a whole insult to my manhood.

"I'm no expert, but I know a few things."

"Well, maybe," she pauses to look right at me. "I could teach you a lot more," she whispers while winking. Goosebumps cover my body instantly. She chuckles and drives out of the parking lot. Warning bells are going off in my head right now.

They are telling me this woman is fire, and if I'm not careful, she will burn me. 

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