18 | allies and affirmations

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Today is Thursday, and my school is having a school spirit day. We have these days throughout the year so the students can take a break from the hellish nightmare that is high school. Honestly, I'm truly grateful for it now. Sadly, senior year is taking me down and doesn't seem to be letting up.

At least I have one person to keep me above water. 

After lunch a couple of days ago, I haven't seen her since. Between her games and other commitments, she's been busy. I don't mind though, I rather her being busy than having nothing to do. Though, I wish the same was true for me. 

School spirit days usually have two parts. In the morning, there's an assembly in the auditorium. The goal is to celebrate our school's success and all that good stuff. I personally don't care for it, but if that means no classes, sign me up. 

We sit there for about an hour and a half listening to the principal talk. He cracks a lot of jokes during his speech, so at least it was entertaining. Taylor, who was on the side of me, was asleep ten minutes in. He probably had a late-night talking to his girl again. I now know his struggles of keeping up with an energetic girlfriend. Who would ever think that day would come?

After the assembly is done, I wake Taylor up, and we get our stuff to leave. He yawns as we go through the doors. 

"That nap was amazing, I really needed it," he mutters.

I look over to see his disheveled hair and tired eyes. It's very unlike him to show up to school looking like that. "I see that, is everything okay?" 

"Yeah, it's nothing. She was irritated over something yesterday. So, I stayed up all night to calm her down. I may have missed some sleep here and there."  He laughs and shakes his head.

"Considering that you love to sleep that's really admirable."

"I know right! And yet -" he taps me lightly on the shoulder, "I was wondering how you and your girl were doing?" 

"Well-" my response was cut short when two random girls waved at us when we were walking by. Being the gentlemen we are, we return the gesture. "That was strange."

"Welcome to the taken life bro, where all the girls suddenly want you after ignoring your existence for years," Taylor explains.

The girls in the gym last week definitely fit that narrative. "Yeah, I experienced that first hand." 

"Of course you did, everyone heard about what Camille did. I was so proud of her. Valerie did something similar at the beginning of our relationship." We arrive at what the students call 'The Hidden Garden'. It's a place that's near the big field located at the front of the school.  There are bleachers and a few tables for students to hang out. Taylor and I find a spot at the far right of the bleachers. 

"Anyway," he continues, "It's best if you avoid those types of girls at all times. They're the most dangerous bunch." 

"Please elaborate, oh wise one."

"Listen to me, Lo.  Just think about it, those girls are going after guys who are taken. If they capture you, the chase is done." 

"Isn't that a good thing?" I'm trying to grasp the lesson here.

"In most cases, yes. However, for those girls, that's all they care about. All they care about is the chase. What do you think will happen when the chase is over?"

And just like that, it instantly clicked. "They'll get bored and continue the chase somewhere else."  He grins and pats my back. For once, my neck is safe.

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