09 | anger and altercations

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After Camille leaves so she can change, I sit on the very cold bench and reflect on how I got to this point. It's only been like two weeks since Camille and I been, I guess 'acquainted'. In all honestly, it feels like a dream. A fortnight ago, she didn't even look in my direction. She was too busy being a model student and whatever. She's literally the dream girl. Camille has perfect grades, an athletic body, and a sweet personality. Guys want her (me included), and I am positive that some girls are envious too. What is it that she sees in me that makes her wants to hang out? Is it height? No, there are taller guys than me. My skin color? Even if that was the case, there are guys a thousand times more attractive than me too. This just doesn't add up in my head.

As I continue to hold scientific equations in my head as to why this ten of a girl is talking to me, I feel a hand run through my hair. I look up and see Camille grinning at me. I think she took a shower because her hair looks a bit damp but nevertheless mostly dry. She changes from her volleyball uniform into a hoodie and leggings. I personally think she looks great in anything she wears. I must say though, those leggings help her too. A lot.

"Did I keep you long, Lo?" She says while rubbing my head.

"Nah, honestly I didn't even realize you came back already," I answer honestly. Time just went by in an instant. This reminds me of when you are trying to go to sleep but your mind keeps you awake. Next thing you know, an hour already had passed.

"I see that. It seems you were really deep in thought. I found it cute," She giggles. It was at this moment, my soul left my body. I have never heard a girl described me that way in my lifetime. Honestly, that gave me a feeling close to euphoria. I still have to reply though, so I snatch back my soul and it reenters my body. I look at her and smile.

"Yeah, I was thinking about something." She looks at me with curiosity in her eyes.

"You okay? Something that you need to talk about?" She responds with the sweetest voice she can muster. She sounded like she was from above. It almost made me spill all of my life struggles to her. It seems too good to be true. However, I simply can't open up to her. Not right now at least. I don't know, I just think it's a guy thing.

"No, Camille I'm good." She removes her hand and looks at me with concern. I must say it is quite tempting.

"You sure, Lonzo?" Camille asks one more time.

"Yeah, I'm good," I reply with a smile.

"You heard the man Camille, he's good," A very deep voice echoes says from a short distance. I recognize the voice immediately. Mitchell Anderson, the basketball star. He's not the very best player on the team, but he's up there. He definitely walks around campus with the exaggerated swagger of a black teen. His hair is high, but he has his curls low resting right by his eyebrows. His lips are so glossy that they put Camille's own to shame. Mitchell is taller than me, by like four inches. He walks closer to us with a cocky grin on his face. Camille's face immediately hardens and I straighten out my stance. I can already tell this is about to become a testosterone battle.

"How are you doing babe?" Mitchell says while approaching Camille. He attempts to hug her from behind, but Camille elbows him in his chest. Obviously, it doesn't hurt him, but he backs off with a pained look on his face.

"Oww, you hurt my heart love," He says with a fake sad voice. I don't like this guy vibe, at all. It's been like that since middle school. From way back then, he had a vendetta against me. To this day, I don't know what I did to him. As much as that is true, I never stood up against him.

"Drop dead," Camille responds with her ice-queen tone. It is hard to believe that she was just sweet to me mere seconds ago. "Why are you even here Mitchell?"

"Well I came to see which girl wanted to stay at my place tonight, but I stumbled on something even better," He proceeds to gaze at Camille from top to bottom. Now I'm wishing that she didn't throw on the leggings today. I can feel the anger trying to rise from within me. I can't show it though, because guys can sense that energy easily. As cowardly as it sounds, Mitchell can beat my ass, disrespectfully. He did once before, I think it was 10th grade. A small scuffle in the changing room, and he let me off pretty easily. I only had a busted lip, a bruise on the right side of my stomach, and a slight concussion. I know the man is capable of a lot more than that. This was before I met Taylor and my other friends, I was a loner at the time. So, I had to deal with the situation all by myself. Only Mitchell, two of his friends, and I know about what happened. If the word did spread about what happened, he may have gotten suspended or worse. He promised me that if I snitched, it would be the end of me. I've been quiet since then, and it has been about two years. I've avoided Mitchell after the fight. Now, why he had to show up now? Just when I thought life was going to be sweet, it doesn't.

"You're so disgusting," Camille gives him a revolted look.

"You know you love it," He immediately snaps back. Then he sets his eyes on me and smirks. Oh great.

"Sup bitch, how are you doing this wonderful afternoon?" He asks me. I don't answer him. I simply just stare him down. He may be able to knock me out, but I won't give him the satisfaction of me actually talking to him.

"Just go away Mitchell," Camille talks to break the silence. Mitchell simply looks at her and laughs in her face. His laugh sounds awful in every sense of the word.

"And what can you do about it buttercup? Also, don't get into a conversation that doesn't concern you. I'm simply just asking this pussy how he's doing. No harm in that right?"

I take a good look at him. He's your typical pretty boy. He has all the designer clothes, dumb as bricks but has a cool car. His outfit for today must have cost at least over 800 dollars. To be fair, Camille would look better with him than me and it hurts to admit that. They would look like the perfect, narcissistic couple. Just thinking about it dampens my mood.

"Just leave us alone," the words come out of my mouth, somehow. They had no energy behind them. They felt lifeless.

"Huh? What did you say? I couldn't hear you, buddy." He looks down at me like he has his prey right where he wants him. The other girls stopped what they were doing and were watching. Some guys as well. I know deep down in my spirit, I'm scared right now. Before I know it though, Camille grabs my forearm. Instinctively, I stand up.

"We're leaving," She announces. After her words, she leads me out the gymnasium doors. I can hear Mitchell laughing behind us.

"Yeah that's right, run because you know you're my bitch Zo!" He laughs and walks away feeling on top of the world, while I feel like mine just crumbled.

A/N: Thanks for reading this chapter. If you like it, please consider voting and commenting. See you in the next one.


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