33 | taunts and tension

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Amanda decides that she's going to take me home. She puts my address into the GPS and drives in the area. I'm told that I'm not on aux duty yet. She doesn't trust me enough. Whatever that means. Blank Space by Taylor Swift is blasting through the speakers. I don't know whether to be assured or concerned.

We sit in comfortable silence. Amanda is a good driver. I can tell she pays attention to her surroundings. My friend Leo should learn a thing or two from her. I pray to up above whenever he's behind the wheel.

I take the time to reflect on my life so far. Who knew I would have dated arguably the prettiest girl in the class two months into my senior year? And now, having another candidate for that award drive me home and pay for my meal? From getting bullied at lunch to living in a TV drama,

Oh, how the turn tables.

I side-eye Amanda. She's quietly lip-syncing to the song with a small smile. Her side profile must have been blessed by Aphrodite herself. Her outfits always accentuate her figure (I've seen her IG), and I can't blame her. I know the work she puts into the gym. It's no joke. Regardless of how I feel about her taunts, she has my respect.

Behind that seductive smile of hers, I can never figure her out. I know we barely had any interactions besides today, but something tells me this is how she deals with everyone. She only shows what you want to see, and she's very good at it.

I close my eyes and smile, acknowledging that I have no idea what this girl wants with me. Once you accept things in life for what they are, it becomes easier.

"So, Lonzo. Do you have your license yet?" Amanda asks me while her eyes are glued to the road. I open my eyes to see that we have reached my street.

"Nah, only my permit as of right now. I'm taking driving lessons here and there." Getting my license is next on my agenda.

"Oh, I see." She pulls over next to my house. I guess this is my stop. I go to open the door, but it locks. I turn to see Amanda's finger on the lock button, and a devious smile slowly forms.

Huh? I blink twice.

Amanda looks at me like I'm lunch. "Well, you know," her voice gets lower. "I can always teach you." Her eyes flutter. She had said this before, but I knew it was a joke. This time I'm not so sure.

I don't think she means just driving. Out of habit, I grin. She doesn't know me well enough that a grin is a sure sign I'm nervous.

I won't let her know, either.

She unbuckles her seat belt. She raises her legs so that she's kneeling in her seat. My eyes track all her movements.

Amanda locks eyes with me and slowly moves closer. "Lonzo, I'll be honest. I'm not one that has a lot of patience. If I like something, I get up and go after it."

I remain silent. Amanda pushes me on my chest, connecting my back with the car seat. Before I knew it, she snaked her way into the passenger seat and onto my lap. Her fierce eyes looking deep into mine, gauging my expression.

"Tell me to stop, and I will," Amanda says with a hint of rasp in her voice. I open my mouth, but nothing comes out. She leans in so that her chest is on mine. Amanda lets out a low chuckle. She lowers her head so that her mouth is close to my ear.

"However, I don't think you want me to," she whispers. The low growl she did close to my ear was enough to make every hair strand on my body stand up. "I am your type, after all."

I can't think straight. The sensations all over my body are making it hard to focus. Almost instinctively, I put my hand on her waist. I can feel my animalistic side taking control. The sound she let out told me she liked that.

"Oh, I see now." Amanda raises her torso to lock eyes with me. "Well, if that's the case," she pauses and smirks. "Let me show you something special." This wolf in sheep's clothing leans in again. "Get comfortable." She kisses my neck.

My mind is now turning to mush.

Amanda pushes my collar to the side. Her nails are digging into my back, but they feel great for some reason. She kisses the now-exposed skin for a bit, then proceeds to suck on it with maximum power. At that point, it was over for me. I surrender complete control and let her do her thing.

And that's precisely what she did.

My mind can't keep up with the pleasure it's receiving. She must have been taught by Dracula himself the way she bites into my skin. Two minutes later, she stops and looks at me satisfactorily. We're both panting like we just finished a marathon.

"Wow," I manage to spit out. Amanda only smiles.

"That was fun. Sorry, I couldn't help myself. Even now, I'm still holding back."

She's still doing what?

"Today was fun, Lonzo." She slithers back to the driver's seat and unlocks the doors. Amanda kisses me on the cheek before I get the chance to open the door. "Bye-bye, Alonzo."

"See you later, Amanda." I open the door and exit the vehicle. She watches me as I walk up the steps to my house."

"Oh yeah, Zo!" she yells from her window. I turn around, and she's giggling. "You might want to wear hoodies for a while. Just saying!" I look down to see the huge mess she made. She left two huge bruises: one below and above my collarbone. I gaze at her with disbelief. This woman laughs. "Think of it as a gift from me. Bye now!" She speeds off, leaving me in the dust.

I open the door and make my slow descent back to Earth. I close the door behind me and slide against it until I sit on the floor. My brain is trying to process it all.

What in the actual fuck just happened?


A/N: Hey guys, I'm back. Sorry for the unannounced hiatus. A lot of things were going on in my personal life. Now we're back to regular scheduled programming. Hope you enjoyed the chapter, and let me know what you think!


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