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Todoroki POV

Class was drawn out. It felt unnecessary to sit through some of it. Like repeating things would somehow get us to understand things better. 
I was ahead of everyone, textbook wise. I didn't join anyone in extracurricular activities or just 'hanging' out. My father had beaten into my head enough that my training and studying was my top priority. I was one day supposed to carry the legacy and be better than he ever was. I didn't get even a moment to really think about myself.
Quite frankly, I was exhausted. At times when I would return home from school he'd be standing at the door with this keen look on his face. Then he'd catch me off guard and singe me with his fire, demanding I fight back. Almost every day was a test with him and I couldn't relax for even a day or two without him screaming at me to use my fire and stop being a child.
I would wear myself thin trying to stay on top of training at UA and also at home. My body couldn't handle the consistent battling. I was growing weaker than I was stronger. I just couldn't speak up.
"I don't need your notes Deku I'm already way ahead of you in this game pal. I'm going to crush every last one of you," I heard from a few seats over. Bakugou Katsuki was once again bearing his teeth and burning up at just a single exchange of words. I admired his confidence where it was necessary. He was incredibly strong, something that I felt I could never amount to. I regret every single day using my left side against him at the festival. It was never supposed to happen and now he hates me for it. I can't help thinking that I was blessed with a curse.
His anger-filled eyes left Midoriya's face and for a moment he caught me watching him. I took a better look at his face, somewhere in there I could see he was trying a bit hard to be so curt and pissed off. I guess me looking made him uncomfortable, he whipped around in his chair before I could break eye contact.
I wonder what it is that keeps the fire in him going. It must be exhausting to be so angry at all times. There had to be a point where he lets down that façade and acts like himself. Although sometimes I believe that he really just might be a dick.
Class ended and everyone was quick to jump out of their seats. I folded pages, put away my pens, and put everything into my bag before standing. Bakugou wasn't moving, just pretending like he was. I walked past him without sparing him a look.
At lunch, I ate little of my soba. I didn't feel as hungry as I thought. My stomach felt full after a bite or two. I got up from my seat and threw the rest away, which I'd probably regret later. Deciding that stepping outside seemed quieter, I made my way out of the building. The air was a perfect blend of hot and cold. Each side of me melted as one for just a moment, and I could breathe. Closing my eyes, I tried to forget everything about myself and make up a new story. I made up a new world of my own, Paradise. Nothing would ever go wrong, everything was clean and kind. It was my own fantasy but I knew the world couldn't be that simple.
I threw my head back and looked at the sky. There were almost no clouds out today, just a giant blue blanket of atmosphere.
"Yes yes! How good of you to visit Endeavor. To what do we owe the pleasure?" All Might was talking incredibly loud and enthusiastic, but when he said my father's name my blood ran dry. I didn't even look to see if he saw me. I ran.
I ran until I couldn't, looked around, and found a ladder. I grabbed hold of the ladder and climbed my way up to the top of the building. I could feel my heart racing and my breathing speed up.
Why was he here? He was looking for me for sure. What does he want of me now?
I tried to regain my composure and breathe slower. 
Then I caught sight of blond hair. I knew who it was as soon as I noticed the unruly state of it. When I saw him sitting there I could tell he was trying to be calm. He was relaxing, clearing his head, whatever he's doing he's not angry. I chose to not announce my presence and instead walk towards the edge a few paces away from where he sat.
I saw his shoulders tense and his ears turn red, his head snapped in my direction and his red eyes met mine.
He then spoke after a moment, "What the fuck are you doing up here?"
Nice. I put my hands in my pockets and studied him, "Are you ever polite?"
"The fuck do you mean am I polite AM I NOT POLITE ENOUGH!?" He yelled.
The whole thing just seemed so forced to me. I took pity on him. I think he noticed. I turned my gaze out to the scenery and walked closer to the edge. Taking in more breaths to keep me calm around this tense boy.
"I came here to be alone now get the hell outta here half breed," He rose to his feet. He was shorter than I. With me standing on the ledge which rose higher than the roof he looked smaller. It was almost like physics was telling me something. I heard him shift on his feat.
I quickly cut him off, "Bakugou please," I sighed, looking at his eyes again, "I came here for the same reason, just let me be."
I closed my eyes again.
"Fuck no I'm not just letting you be I was here first this is my spot. Now leave before I get pissed off," He replied. I tried understanding him underneath all of that rage. Here on the roof I could almost see right through him. He was shaking. Maybe it was the rage. I looked at him through my hair that shaded my scar.
"You're always pissed off, isn't it exhausting? Why don't you try to relax?" I asked, maybe I could get to him.
"I WAS TRYING BUT I CAN'T WHILE YOU STAND THERE EXPRESSIONLESS AND ALL MYSTERIOUS NOW GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE!" He screamed at me. Then I lost my cool. He was moving towards me and I knew he would try to hurt me. I didn't want to hurt him but he was getting too close while being too angry. I shot ice straight at his chest with enough force to knock him backwards.
"You made me do that, Bakugou," I said, because he did. Why couldn't he just learn to trust a little? Why did he choose to be so angry all of the time? I looked down at him sitting there, frost on the front of his uniform. He had his teeth showing and his eyebrows low. Then, I could see his mouth threatening to turn into a frown like he was going to cry. He quickly shot to his feet and ran from here. I felt a little guilt. I didn't want to hurt him, or damage his ego. 
He threw himself off the side of the roof, using explosions to break his fall to the ground and he kept running. He ran completely off campus. I watched his figure disappear in the distance. 
I didn't know if my father was looking for me or not but I chose to remain on the roof for the day. I sat how Bakugou was sitting when I found him. I closed my eyes again and let my head take me back to Paradise.

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