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I knew he fell asleep when his weight shifted and he pressed into my body further. I stopped my hands and sat up carefully. He slept a lot when we were here. It made me wonder if he got any at his own home. I was happy to have him fall asleep so easily with me but I wanted to talk to him and kiss him and do all the things we can't do outside of closed doors.
I looked down at him, admiring his soft features and the clear view of his eyes and forehead after I pushed his bangs back. I used a finger to stroke his cheek before I got up and took off my jeans and button up. If he was going to nap I was going to shower. I walked out into the hallway in my underwear. The house was still as can be. My parents were never fucking home. It made it a little hard to fall asleep at night, for sure. I'd never admit it out loud but it takes me an hour of slight panic and fear before I can relax and exhaust myself into sleep. I always left a light on somewhere.
I turned on the water in the shower and waited a moment for it to adjust. I slid off my underwear and kicked them aside. Just before I could step in the door opened. 
"Woah!" I immediately covered my dick with my hands.
"S-Sorry," Todoroki blushed but didn't shut the door.
"No I'm sorry, I thought you were asleep."
"I thought so too, but it didn't last very long at all," I could tell his eyes were struggling to stay locked on mine.
"I-I'm just going to shower really quick, okay? I'll be out in a sec."
His head retracted from between the frame and the door, "Alright," the door closed. 
I turned and stepped in, making quick work of my body. I scrubbed everywhere and didn't bother with my hair besides wetting it down. When I felt relatively clean I stopped the water and snatched a towel from the hook, wrapping it around my waist.
I headed back to my room where Todoroki was sitting patiently on my bed with his back against the wall. I glanced at him and dug through my drawers to find another pair of underwear. I could feel him staring and it made me a little self conscious.
I heard him shift on the bed and his feet hit the floor. He was right behind me, I could tell because to the right side of my body there was a cool sensation on my skin. The left was warm.
I turned to look up at him and he kissed me. He put his hands on my neck and kissed with so much emotion that made me want to scream. The friction and the blood rushing to my hands made it hard to suppress the sparks, but I managed.
I raised my arms to drape them over his shoulders, instantly feeling my towel unfold on itself and slip off my hips. My hand shot down to grab it, but Todoroki caught it.
"I wanna see you," He mumbled looking down at my body. My cheeks burned up. I pushed my face into his shoulder as his hands traveled down my torso. He stopped before they went too low, which turned me on. He seemed to notice and blushed too. There was a lot unspoken between us at this moment. Me standing completely naked in front of him and him making no effort to hide the fact he was staring. I shifted on my feet and tried to swallow down the lump in my throat.
"W-Well are you gonna do something or just stand there?" I said.

SUDDEN 3RD PERSON (smut tastes better this way) ⚠️

Todoroki grabbed Bakugou by his waist and hoisted him off of his feet. He took him to the bed and laid him on his back. He took a moment to stare down at him in the complete nude. Bakugou's hardened dick laid against his lower stomach, slightly curved and barely reaching his belly button. Bakugou moved one of his legs a bit trying to cross his thighs. Todoroki took his cold hand and his warm hand and pried them apart. Bakugou's balls hung low between his legs. Todoroki licked his lips and looked at Bakugou's face.
"I don't want to rush things," He said.
Bakugou raised his head to look down at him, "I don't think we're rushing. Do you?"
He shook his head, "If you're comfortable with what's happening we don't have to stop."
Bakugou paused and then laid his head back with a sigh, "Whatever, dumbass, just please touch me."
With that consent, Todoroki flexed his fingers against the back of Bakugou's thighs channeling both the heat and the cold in each of his hands to send a shockwave of different sensations through his legs and to his groin. Bakugou groaned through his closed lips and closed his eyes.
Todoroki has never done anything quite like this and it was a bit intimidating. Bakugou's pale naked body presented before him in such a way that made it hard for him to breathe. He decided on doing what he thought might pleasure the boy, using his quirk as an advantage. He took a cold finger and traced from his chin, down his neck, across one of his nipples, and down the center of his stomach. He gently stroked just the tip of Bakugou's throbbing member, drawing back and repeating the process with a slightly hot finger. The change in temperature made Bakugou's lips part and his throat formed another moan. Todoroki brought his tongue to the side of Bakugou's stomach right on his hip bone. He traced a wet circle and bit down just enough to cause some sort of slight pain and Bakugou  l i v e d  for that. He brought his hands to his hair and gripped it hard, rubbing his eyes with the bottom of his palms while Todoroki kept teasing him with his fingers, teeth, and tongue.
"God who would've th-thought you're s-such a fucking t-tease," Bakugou grumbled and whispered "fuck" when teeth gripped his left hip bone. The heterochromatic eyes flicked up to meet Bakugou's gaze as Todoroki inched his tongue closer and closer to Bakugou's dick until he pulled away at the last minute.
"F-fucking dumbass what are y-you waiting f-for?" Bakugou hissed from behind his hands.
"I like looking at you, sorry," Todoroki replied softly, running his cold hand up the center of Bakugou's torso. He felt his muscles ripple underneath his touch. He pulled back, receiving another disappointed groan.
"What do you want me to do to you?" Todoroki's voice was so smooth and calm, which was one of the biggest fucking turn ons Bakugou never knew he had.
"Touch me," He whispered in response.
Todoroki ran his nails along the inside of his thighs, avoiding his dick, he clicked his tongue and used a free hand to pull Bakugou's hands away from his face, "Tell me then, tell me what you want me to do."
"I-I said t-touch me dumbass… p-please," His face was completely flushed, his penis couldn't possibly take the amount of blood that rushed in and out.  He was going to explode.
Todoroki used the very tips of his fingers to run it along his warm shaft, "Say my name."
"P-please Todoroki," He moaned at the full hand that gripped him. Todoroki spit on his tip and stroked him good to get it nice and slippery.
"Please, Shoto," Todoroki instructed as he gently rubbed him.
Bakugou tried to cover his face, but his hands were pulled away again. The hand that was stroking him left, making his eyes open to find where they had left to.
"Please, Shoto," Todoroki repeated himself slower as he removed his own shirt. He waited for his response.
"F-fucking… dammit, p-please, Shoto," He said quietly, and Shoto rewarded him with a mouth around his penis, which caused a throaty moan to escape Katuski's lips. He struggled to keep in his moans and whines and groans.
"God, fuck… f-fuck… u-ughn… f-f-fuuuuuck, Shoto, God dammit your mouth feels so good, ah-" His eyes rolled back, his spine arching as Shoto took him deep. He flicked his tongue in a circle around Katsuki's shaft as he slowly rocked his head back and forth. He kept up the pace, slowing to build up more suction and pressure between Katuski's legs before releasing the pressure and gliding his tongue across his throbbing vein. Katsuki was becoming a mess, trembling and making small moans with each throb that shot through his dick. Shoto let go of his cock and again switched each hand between temperatures and teased his skin. He bit into his hips again, slightly increasing each temperature's intensity. Katsuki felt so cold but so hot which was so hard to navigate but it all boiled down to rising ecstasy and tension built up all in one singular area. 
"Tell me if this is too much, Katsuki," Shoto said, saying his name for the first time. The way his name danced off of his lips drove Katsuki mad. He looked to Shoto, who slid off the edge of the bed to stand and pull down his own pants and underwear.
"F-Fuck that's big," Katuski breathed, staring at Shoto's thick, long, hard cock. His mouth watered at the sight. The way his torso continued down to the sweet spot, and his hips' shape. He should've broken down in front of Shoto a long time ago, knowing how delicious he looked wearing nothing but his baby blue socks.
Shoto got back on the bed with his bruised knees and spread Katuski's legs again. He used one hand to start touching himself as he let his other hand explore Katuski's groin. He ran fingers up his shaft, wrapped his hand around his balls, and gripped the inside of his thighs right next to everything that was physically throbbing from the build up.
"Please, Shoto I can't take it," Katsuki cried, lifting his waist into the touch of Todoroki's warm hand.
"Be patient, do you have condoms?" He asked.
"N-No," Katsuki replied.
Shoto looked at him, leaving the call to him as he continued to tease his dick. Katsuki got flustered quickly.
"F-fuck the condom Shoto just please, ah- please j-just-" He cried out in another moan when Shoto brought his mouth down to tease his balls. He pushed the back of Katuski's knees forward to lift his hips so he had a better aim at his ass. He leaned in and began to lube him up using his own saliva alone. The sudden new feeling shocked Katsuki, making the tiniest little squirt of cum land on his trembling stomach. He cried out again, his voice cracking into a higher tone. 
"F-fuck Shoto ugh- FUCK," Katsuki moaned louder when Shoto slipped a finger inside of him as he teased his taint with his tongue. Shoto bit his lip and pulled back to finger and jerk him at the same time, using his thumb to press on his taint. So much stimulation caused Katsuki to shoot out another small stream of cum. His shaking was violent, his eyes rolled so far back he looked dead.
"Ohh-hhh my f-f-fucking god pleeaase just-" Shoto's finger slid out of Katsuki and very quickly, Shoto brought three fingers to Katuski's mouth and slipped them in. Katsuki wrapped his lips over his knuckles and swiped his tongue over each of the fingers.
"Ah, that's it," Shoto quietly grunted and inhaled sharply as he stroked himself while he finger fucked Katsuki's mouth. He curled his fingers and pushed them deeper, feeling the wet tissue around his knuckles close in. Katsuki gagged a bit, tears welling up in the corner of his eyes. Shoto pushed again, curling his fingers to feel his throat, making Katuski gag again. He removed his fingers from his mouth, instantly Katsuki gasped for breath and let out a labored moan. All three of the fingers slowly stretched and pushed into Katsuki, making his tremble harder. Shoto made sure to be gentle as he stretched his boyfriend good. He'd need enough prep to handle Shoto's dick. Katsuki slightly bounced forward and back against Shoto's fingers, moaning and whining at each little movement he made.
"Sh-shoto, please…"
"Please what?"
"Don't- Don't make me say it."
Shoto curled his fingers against Katuski's prostate and bit his lip, "You better say it, now."
"J-Just- fuck Shoto please fuck me, I want you to fuck my ass. Please, please make me cum. Make me cum from your dick in my ass. Please, Shoto," Katuski's built up tears spilled as he begged for relief. 
"Alright sweetheart," He said quietly, leaning over to aim some spit to land on his own cock. He rubbed it over till he was nice and slippery. With one hand he guided the tip of his penis to Katuski's entrance and glanced up at the flustered boy's expression. His red eyes just stared at Shoto, pleading in their own way. He eased inside of him, feeling the tightened muscles and warm internal temperature. He bit his lip as he worked Katuski's ass slowly to relax the muscles that gripped the life out of his cock.
"F-fuck you're so fucking big Shoto. Ughmy god-" He shoved his hips downwards to envelope the whole length inside of him. The two boys gasped at the same time at the sudden change. Katsuki's muscles seemed to relax more, allowing Shoto better movement. He began to rock in and out of him, his speed picking up each time Katuski moaned louder.
"Fuck- ugh- oh f-fuck, god dammit Icyhot you feel so f-fucking good. Yeah just like that, just like that, yeah, fuck my ass. Dammit pound my ass, pound me hard Shoto FUUU-UUU-UUUCK!" Katsuki threw his head back and wailed as Shoto picked up his pace completely and slammed balls deep into him every time. He was out of breath. He put his hands on opposite sides of the blonds head on the pillows under him and rolled his hips into Katsuki.
"All mine, you're all mine, you look so pretty Katsuki. God damn," Shoto bit his lip and ran a finger over Katuski's moaning mouth.
"Shoto- f-faster, faster, faster, I'm gonna- Ughn- I'm gonna cum Shoto, I can't hold it anymore."
"Let it go Katsuki, just let it go, cum for me. Let me hear it."
Katsuki once again threw his head back and cried out as he felt his thighs suddenly burn up. Everything rushed to one spot in his penis, then sweet release. He shot cum across his own torso. Shoto kept slamming into him, the further he went the more sloppy they became as he could feel his arms and legs go shaky. He shut his eyes tight and leaned forward to put his forehead on Katuski's. 
"Mmm- gonna- ah-" Shoto slammed once more into him and pulled out. He quickly sat back and grabbed Katuski's face, bringing it forward to hover over his dick. He quickly stroked himself off before releasing all over Katsuki's mouth and tongue with a loud drawn out moan.
The two collapsed on their backs, panting, shaking, trying to gain composure.
Katsuki licked the area around his mouth and swallowed the taste of Shoto. He closed his eyes and moaned softly at the feeling of his orgasm still slowly leaving his body. 
Shoto brought a hand to Katsuki's stomach and rubbed it back and forth, looking at him while he sat there a sweating, panting mess. 
"Was that okay..?" Shoto said quietly.
The blond nodded, "Yeah, yeah it was. I'm… ah- that was really good."
Shoto blushed and drew his hand back, staring at the ceiling, "I've never done that before." 
Katsuki let out a chuckled exhale, "Me neither."
Shoto sat up, letting his hair fall in front of his eyes, "I mean, I've never done anything before, with anyone."
Katsuki opened his eyes and looked at him, he hesitated, "Yeah, me neither."
Which was a lie.

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