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I found myself sitting in the courtyard after a long day of class. My bag sat beside me in the grass. I was staring out at the land surrounding campus. My mind was changing between thoughts faster than I could begin to describe. Every little thing I thought of became another, then another, and then another. Most of my class was getting ready to leave for the day. So many other students just passed on by.

I saw a few familiar faces approaching me, I turned my head and offered a small smile to greet them.

"Hey Todoroki, what you doing all alone out here?" Kaminari spoke, bending down to kneel in the grass next to me.

I shrug as Sero and Mina sit down as well.  Mina offered a pink hand out, palm up with a piece of gum in the center. I glance at her, then to the gum.

"It's gum, Todoroki," She laughed a bit, "Just take it!"

I awkwardly take the piece, unwrapping it and placing it in my mouth. She seemed satisfied with this and leaned back on the grass.

Kaminari leaned over and nudged my knee, "Hey man, we're thinking of having a party sometime soon. You know, the whole 1-A class and maybe a few of the 1-B kids too. No teachers, no parents, just us and a couple of..." He reached into the side pocket of his bag and whipped out a small card between his index and middle finger, "bottles of the 'good stuff'."

I examined the card and took it from him. He had a big proud smile spread across his face as I looked at this very obvious fake ID card. The photo of him was clearly altered a bit to make himself appear older and less boyish. The age was set at 24 years old. His name...

"Brett Smith?" I nearly scoffed at the name, "What are you, American?"

He shrugged and crossed his arms behind his head, "Sero and Mineta said it's fool-proof, I think they're right. Look at this," he leans forward and points at the card, "Organ donor. Oh yeah, Brett Smith is out here saving lives."

I roll my eyes at this and toss the card at him, "You're an idiot. There is no way that would ever work."

Mina laughed, "See, Todoroki thinks it's awful too."

Sero put an arm around his shoulder, "Hey hey cool it would you? This is the good stuff, okay? This was used with the school ID printers, it's genuine."

Kaminari nodded, "Yeah, gen-u-ine."

"Whatever, but a party? Really?" I raise an eyebrow, not necessarily confident in the idea.

"Yaomomo has the place to herself Saturday and Sunday, easy shit there. Just need to send out the invites and get the ammunition," said Sero, aggressively chewing the bright pink bubblegum in his mouth.

"Yeah, and I got the ID," Kaminari flicks the card with his finger and slides it back into his bag, "So, you'll be there, right?"

I don't answer. The past few weeks had been rough. Maybe trying to let loose now was a good thing. It seemed too risky, though, despite me wanting a good break. I couldn't count on things getting better that fast. If the party is busted, and my father is involved... no way I could handle another beating.

Mina whistled and waved her hand in front of my eyes, "Um, Todoroki, this is Momo we're talking about here. You and her obviously have eyes for each other! Maybe you could..."

"I'll think about it," I say quickly, not wanting to hear anything more come out of her mouth.

They all liked that and smiled. I lower my gaze to my hands and sigh quietly.

"Iida will have a fit when he sees us drinking," Sero snickered and picked at the grass with his fingers.

Kaminari stands and makes flat, stiff movements with his hands as to impersonate Iida, "Fellow classmates! What is that you are doing!? Drinking the forbidden juices of the adult world!?" He shouts in an obnoxious formal tone.

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