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Bakugou's POV

I knew I had to go back to the academy. I was surprised they haven't called my folks to ask about my absence. I guess I wasn't a very significant person there to raise concern.
The walk in the morning was tough. The wind kept blowing strands of my wet hair against my cheeks and forehead. I felt sick, like I had a cold or something.
I couldn't feel even the slightest energy of my quirk in me, even if I tried,  I probably couldn't form large enough blasts to even lift myself off of the ground. I hate being this fucking weak.
When I arrived there were already so many students swarming the front, making it nearly impossible to enter without getting into some kind of interaction. I tried my best to keep my hands in my pockets and my head low. I formed a fake pissed off look to deter anyone who would even try speaking to me.
I made it past the first crowd and into the building. When I thought I could make it through and to the class seamlessly I was bumped into. The force was hard, but accidental. It still hurt me and only made me yell.
"Watch were the fuck you're going  EXTRA!" I screamed bringing a hand to my arm.
Whatever they were carrying hit me hard, right in the cuts. I knew they had to be bleeding again and I couldn't risk being found out today if I was going to be present for eight hours. 
I didn't look to see if whoever bumped me was okay or whatever. I dipped and dodged more people to get through to the infirmary. At least there I could steal a bandage and wrap myself up before the blood sunk through my blazer's fabric. 
When I yanked the handle open and quickly stepped inside the lights were off except one to the left of the room. The beds were all empty, except one. Someone's body lay there under a thin white blanket in the dim lighting. 
I couldn't stay and be seen, so I began searching through drawers and cabinets to find a large bandage I could slap over my humiliation.
I could hear shuffling behind me, then a grunt, then a voice.
"Hello?" It said.
I didn't turn around. The last cabinet I checked and bam there was a roll of bandages.
"Bakugou is that you?" The voice said again.
It sounded very familiar. I decided to look at whoever it was. Todoroki was lying with his head facing me in the far bed. He looked tired and a little shitty.
"Oh, shit, what are you doing here?" I said, trying not to be too interested in why he may need help from Recovery Girl.
He sighed and pulled back the blanket. His knees were wrapped up in a thick cast of bandages. 
"I broke my knees… well, actually, Midoriya broke my knees," He said, sitting up a bit.
The hairs on the back of my neck rose, I felt an instant shot of anger in the back of my mind.
"Deku broke your knees, dude, what the fuck!" I stepped a bit closer to him and stared at the bandages.
"Before you destroy him, I'll let you know that it was an accident. We were training yesterday. You know, after I left your home."
I bit my tongue, remembering how I pushed him out. I felt bad but something inside me was screaming to not let him get too close. I didn't reply, I just stared at him until he spoke again.
"Did you do it again?"
He motioned to the roll of bandages in my hand. I shook my head.
"N-no I just… I bumped the scabs," I said looking away from him.
I felt the bandages leave my hand, Todoroki took them and began unrolling a strip. Without looking away from my arm, he took it in one of his hands. The right hand, which was a bit cold against my skin. My instinct was to rip away my hand from his grip but I didn't? I let him take it and slowly wrap layers of the bandage around the red scabbed lines on my skin. When it was fully covered, he tucked the end of the strip under a few of the layers and ran a gentle hand over my wrist.
"There," he said, putting the roll on the cart next to his bed.
"Uhm… thanks I guess," I replied. I guess? What the fuck did I mean 'I guess'? I cursed myself for being stupid with choosing words.
He sat back against his pillow and sighed, "When are you going to believe me?"
"Excuse me?"
"I said, when are you going to believe me? You still tense up and form this invisible wall in between us. Like I haven't told you a thousand times that I just want your trust and to be your friend."
I lowered my gaze to my feet. Don't let him in. Don't let him in.
"I'm scared," My hand flew to my mouth and a bit my thumb as hard as I could. I never thought I would say anything like that. Let alone to the person I wasn't supposed to even speak to. 
His face softened more than it already was, he scooted himself over a bit on the bed and grabbed my hands. Before I knew it I was being pulled onto the bed to sit next to him.
"Hey," He ran his thumbs over my knuckles, "I understand that. I'm sorry for being so pushy towards you. Let me be honest and completely transparent with you. I don't know what I felt that day in the locker room with you, but seeing you like that destroyed me. I couldn't stop thinking about it. When you didn't show up after that I was tearing my mind apart just thinking about what you could've been doing. I never really took the time to speak to you or even get to know you aside from what you project yourself as. I get that this might be really weird and a little uncomfortable but I know in my own mind that this is now what I want to do. I just want to talk to you, no more passive aggressive jabs or mean looks. I'm sorry for humiliating you at the festival. I shouldn't have done that. I know I've said it before but I mean it. Now I just want you to be okay."


After I finished my monologue to him I nervously searched his eyes for any emotion. He looked like he was fighting with himself. I so badly wanted this to be easier for him. I gave his knuckles another stroke with my fingers. He started to tremble.
"I-I don't know what I feel, about anything. I can't think straight. My fucking head is, ah-" He winced and brought his hands to his head, leaning over a bit.
I sat up again and grabbed his shoulders, "Look at me."
His eyes opened a bit and he turned his face to me. I took the side of his face in one of my hands and brought his face closer to me. I could hear him take in a sharp breath just before I moved my face closer to his so our lips just barely brushed against each other. When I knew he wasn't going to punch me I pressed in to kiss him. It felt like the right thing to do. I had a strange feeling that the reason I hated him feeling sad or not being in class was something more than just me wanting to be his friend. I was falling in love with him. My eyes closed as I moved my lips in a gentle motion against his. He was very fluid with copying the way I kissed him. I didn't know what he was thinking but thankful that my head wasn't blown off.
When I thought enough was enough I let go of his face and pulled back. He didn't even open his eyes. He just grabbed the collar of my hospital gown and brought my face closer for more. This time, I put more enthusiasm into the kiss. We both leaned back against my pillow and pressed harder into each other. I led the way most of the time, running my fingers up his neck, behind his ear, and into the frizzy mess of hair he had. 
His hands were placed on either side of my face, with his fingers hooked behind my neck where my skull curved. He tasted sweet, like a cherry pie. 
We abruptly shoved each other away when we heard the door click. He struggled to his feet and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. Recovery Girl walked in with another student, Shinso, who looked exhausted. 
"Good morning Todoroki how are the knees?" She asked, helping Shinso on to one of the beds. She flicked on all of the other lights. I could see Bakugou cringe and rub his eyes.
"Fine, thank you. I think I'll be okay in time for the end of the school day," I replied.
She brought a blanket from a cabinet across the room to Shinso and placed it next to him while he removed his shoes.
"Bakugou? Can I help you with something young man?" She asked.
"No, I'm fine. I was just leaving," He mumbled, heading for the door without even looking at me. 
Recovery Girl went about her own routine as Bakugou left. I sat back and sighed, a bit disappointed. Who knows what would've happened had we been alone for longer. I ran my index and middle finger across my lips and felt my chest tighten. I didn't think I'd kiss him, but it seemed like the right time. Any other time probably wouldn't have been so fortunate. I could still taste him. My body ached. I felt such strong attraction to him and I had no idea what he was thinking at all. Maybe he would actually listen now. Maybe because of the kiss he would actually tell me what's the matter.
I nodded to Shinso when we accidentally made eye contact. He rolled onto his side facing away from me. I stared at the ceiling and became lost in my mind.

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