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I didn't feel the same about anything since what happened between Bakugou and I in the locker room three days ago. He was definitely avoiding me. I sort of understood that. I knew it wasn't going to be easy to win his trust, but it was a start. I found myself unable to really think of anything else besides him. I didn't understand that at all. Even when I tried focusing during my training, my mind kept going back to Bakugou's depressed face. I wanted badly to hold him again. I knew wherever he was he was still feeling the same way. I mean, I knew it wouldn't go away instantly but I  h a t e d  seeing him that way. 
I really really couldn't understand that either. He was never my friend until now. Were we even friends now? I didn't know and I couldn't talk to him because he didn't come to class for the last three days. It was driving me insane.
Yaoyorozu noticed the way I had been acting, so she spoke up, "Hey, Todo, everything okay?"
Midoriya turned in his seat when she said that, he looked at me and tilted his head, "Yeah, everything okay?"
"Hmm? Oh, yeah," I waved my hand to dismiss their concern, "I'm just in my head."
I thought for a moment. If anyone knew where I could find Bakugou it would be Midoriya. He had to know where he lived at least.
"Actually, Midoriya? Do you have Bakugou's address?" I asked.
He looked even more confused, "You want to know where Kachan… lives?"
I immediately found a perfect excuse, "Yes I… I took extra notes for him as a kind gesture. I noticed he hasn't been here for a few days so I thought I'd bring him something to catch him up."
That seemed to satisfy Midoriya enough to remove that puzzled look on his face, "That's so nice of you Todo! You're in luck because I do know his address! Here, let me write it in your notebook," He reached out for it and I gave it to him.
He returned it promptly after writing it down.
Yaoyorozu sat back in her chair, "Is it bad I kind of like when he's gone? Less bitching makes the class run smoothly."
I tried my hardest to not shoot her a look, she didn't understand him the way I now did, "Well regardless of his attitude I'm just that nice I guess."
Midoriya smiled a big goofy smile that made his freckles pop, "Yeah you're the greatest! That's so cool, I didn't even think to write extra notes for him."
Well, I couldn't stop thinking of him. I did it for him, and probably would only do something like that for him.


I haven't left my bed for three days. In the mornings I would hide in my closet until my folks left so they never knew I was skipping. I couldn't face anyone after breaking down in front of Todoroki. It scared the shit out of me to think he was talking to everyone about me. He told me I could trust him but that terrified me. He's never tried to talk to me like this before.
When he held me I felt a lot of my fears and worries flood out of me with each tear I shed. His arms reminded me of what safe feels like. I cursed at myself for thinking he really meant anything he said that day.
I couldn't even face myself after that. I hadn't showered, eaten, or stepped outside. My entire body ached, my head hurt, and my arm was starting the dull slow process of healing.
I didn't know what I felt when Todoroki showed that he could possibly care about me. No one has ever tried to get past my horrible personality to see who I really was. Even though everything I was under the douche was a mess.
Just when I thought I could fall into another sleep coma there was a knock on my front door. But, my parents were gone? Who the fuck knocks on my door?
I groaned and pulled myself off of my bed. My hair was probably a mess. All I had were black sweatpants on, however if I was answering the door I couldn't show myself like this. I pulled on a hoodie and stepped out into the hallway. I could see through the stained glass a figure. The hair wasn't spiked at all; it lay flat. I had no clue who this figure was at my door.
When I opened it, I could feel my muscles tense incredibly hard. 
Todoroki stood there, that solemn expression on his face that he always carried. He was still in his UA uniform with his bag slung across his torso. 
I defensively crossed my arms and tried to forget the way I let my guard down in front of him.
"Who the fuck are you to be coming to my house like this?" I forced the edge to my tone.
He looked down and pulled out his white notebook, "I came to see you, and… give you these. You've been gone and I didn't want you to fall behind."
I raised an eyebrow, he kept just looking at me with his stupid look. 
"Please… don't try to ignore what happened, please?" He begged, "I told you, you can trust me."
My muscles loosened. I bit my tongue and stepped aside to let him in. He didn't get the hint at first until I motioned for him to come in. He took off his shoes as I shut the door. I assumed he'd follow me, so I said nothing and walked to my room.
He sat on the floor, I sat on the edge of my bed.
He looked around my room and then to me, I could see him getting ready to say something but he didn't.
"Well? What are you staring at?" I asked, a little irritated.
"Obviously you," He replied without hesitation, which kind of slapped me in the face.
"Well… fucking stop," I broke eye contact and grabbed a water bottle from my nightstand and drank. The water hit my empty stomach like a punch in the gut.
"Did you hurt yourself again?" He asked.
I nearly choked on my water, I looked at him and smacked my lip, "You're interrogating me now?"
That caused him to roll his eyes and stand up. He walked towards me and sat next to me.
"I thought after Tuesday you would've been easier to talk to. There's nothing you have to hide from me now, I've seen you. Just please. Please Bakugou, talk to me."
My headache persisted, I tried not to wince at the pain in my temples. I didn't know what to say to him. I didn't want to share too much and then he leave to gossip. Something in me wanted to believe him, but I once considered him an enemy. His stupid sad look was burning a hole in my face.
"Fuck do you want me to say?" I needed to work on my communication skills.
"Did you hurt yourself again?" He repeated.
I shook my head. That was the truth. After my strange experience the first time I didn't know if it was doing anything.
He seemed to relax at my answer.
"That's all I wanted to ask, I don't want to pressure you into talking about anything more. I just appreciate you letting me in," He said to me.
I wanted badly to be held by him again. As he spoke I replayed him wrapping his arms around me and singing to me. The most safe I had felt in a long time. I was making this exchange too tense with my terrible attitude. My guilt was going to make me sick.
"Hey," he put a hand on my arm, "I'll say it as much as you want to hear it, you can trust me. I'm here for you and only you."
I was starting to believe him. I really hoped he wasn't trying to create the greatest lie in the century and humiliate me to the point of no return. The doubts kept fading when he repeated himself like that. His hand slid down my arm and hovered over my wrist before it landed on my hand.
"Why are you doing this?" I asked.
"Because I wanted to be the person to step up to you, maybe help you, and just get to know you. I didn't like the relationship we had before and well, if anything I just wanted to make amends."
"That's it? Amends? You're doing this to make yourself feel better?"
"N-no that's not what I'm saying I just..  ugh fuck," he clenched his jaw and let go of my hand, "I don't know how to explain this to you."
I then had a feeling he was so full of shit. I couldn't trust that.
"Well you came to give me notes, so if that's it, get the hell out of my house."
He looked a little disappointed, "You're making me leave?"
I rolled my eyes, feeling my cheeks burn up, "I said to fucking leave, now get the FUCK out of here."
He looked away from me and set his notebook where he was sitting when he stood up. He didn't say anything or look at me, he just left. 
"Fucking idiot," I dropped my head in my hands and groaned. My mind was split in two, I didn't know what I felt or what to do anymore. My head then reminded me of how much it hurt. I winced and laid back on my bed. With my eyes closed, I tried to relax and forget about everything just to get my mind under control.

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