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This chapter is a lot, just be careful when reading this. We have to cover some abuse.

Katsuki's POV

Shoto and I both sat fully clothed in chairs across Mr Aizawa. I felt complete embarrassment taking over my entire body. I'm sure Shoto felt the same way. I wanted to invert my skin then and there. Aizawa looked at us in a disappointed yet tired look.
"I don't know what brought you to the conclusion that doing shit like that in school is acceptable, I won't even start on how much of a shock it was to wake up to two of the most notorious students in my class having inconsiderately loud sex. What the hell were you two thinking?" He said, anger in his tone.
I kept my eyes glued to my lap. Shoto didn't answer either.
"Fine, playing the quiet game I see. Well I'll be damned if I didn't punish the two of you for this. You're both suspended for one week. I'm calling your parents as well," He said, grabbing his phone, "Bakugou I know your parents are out of town so I'll call Midoriya's mother as well so she's aware you're staying there."
Shoto was shaking violently in the seat next to me, "I-Is there any other way?"
Aizawa glared, "No, no, you should know your actions have consequences. I cannot let this slide. You brought this upon yourselves."
I finally moved my eyes to look at Shoto, who already had tears forming in his eyes. He didn't look at me or Aizawa, just the floor. He balled his hands into fists and shut his eyes tight while Aizawa dialed up his father's phone number.
"Please, this won't happen again Mr.-"
"Yes, I'm calling for Mr. Enji Todoroki... yes, yes thank you," Aizawa looked at us as he spoke, "Endeavor, hello. This is Shota Aizawa. I have your boy in my office right now, he's being suspended... yes... yes of course. Well why don't we talk when you're here?"
Shoto stood up and ran out of the office, I turned to follow him but Aizawa was quick to snatch my wrist in his scarf.
"Yes, see you soon," He hung up and pulled me backwards.
"I'd remain seated if I were you."
I sat back down and gave him a frustrated look, "Please don't do this, don't tell Endeavor."
He raised a brow, "Why shouldn't I?"
I bit my tongue, "Just... just don't out him. Please don't out him, his father doesn't know and this isn't how he should find out."
He sat there, thinking and staring at me with his sleepy eyes. I pleaded with my eyes, feeling my chest burst.
"Fine, but you both are still suspended. I'll spare feelings this time, just this once. Don't ever let me catch you again, you hear me?"
I nodded quickly, "Yes, you won't. I'm sorry."

Deku's mother showed up to take me back to her apartment with her. She asked if I had all my things and I nodded. I followed her out the front doors of the academy with my head down. I didn't see Shoto anywhere as we left. My heart began to pound. I knew Endeavor would be pissed the fuck off. I was so scared. I was so scared of what he would do.
What a stupid idea. A stupid fucking idea, it was my fault. I thought that room was completely forgotten. Dammit. Dammit.
Deku's mother unlocked the front door and let me in.
"I need to return to work, you can use the tv and the kitchen if you need to, alright?" She said, not making eye contact with me.
"Sure," I mumbled, throwing my bag across the room.
She shut the door and locked it.
When I was sure she was gone, I threw my head back and screamed. My hands popping and sizzling with my anger. I gripped my hair in my hands and clenched my teeth together.
What a selfish fucking thing to do, when he could've just snuck back in here or some shit. My head hurt so fucking bad. What was Endeavor going to do to him? My folks would be so pissed too but they're gone so I get off easy. Not him, not Shoto.
I wanted to call him, or go find him... I knew that was out of the question. If I called him now it'd only cause more trouble and I couldn't do that to him.
I decided I couldn't just wait. I picked up my phone and texted him.

Is everything okay?

I waited for a response, but received nothing.

I'm so sorry Shoto, please call me when you can. I want to make sure everything is okay.

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